Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 57


          POLICING WITH A                                                       Mr Kinoti, seems to under-

          RIGHT HEART                                                           what kind of  work you do or
                                                                                stand that it does not matter

                                                                                what agency of  government

           By Samuel Phillips                                                   you work for, you will always
                                                                                reap the harvest of  what you
                                                                                sow. That for me was the
                                                                                joker for 2020. For I think
                      h my goodness!                                            that, humans have somehow
                      How I loved            One thing also stands out          learnt to forget that there
                      2020 and how           concerning 2020, the can of        are natural laws that must
         O it "gracefully"                   worms locked up in the glob-       not be broken in the course
          showed us our hidden selves        al police system got opened        of  living daily and the con-
          by taking off  the veils of  the   and the stench that came           sequences that come with
          'me, myself  and I' syndrome       out of  it could have killed a     breaking such natural laws.
          that we have covered our-          person from a million miles
          selves with for too long.          away. From the murder of           According to the article, Mr
          The false pandemic or let me       George Floyd by a policeman        Kinoti was recorded as say-
          say "plandemic" that creat-        in the US and the EndSars          ing:
          ed such a heightened level         protests that saw the banning
          of  societal breakdown, the        of  the systemic wickedness        "You can’t sleep well if
          lockdown that was not really       called SARS (Special Anti          peoples’ tears and curses are
          necessary, the many houses         Robbery Squad) in Nigeria.         upon you." He said, referring
          of  bubbles that were burst in     Surely, 2020 really came to        to how police men should go
          the faces of  their owners and     open us up to ourselves, but       about their duties.
          the reality of  the fact that,     it will be every man's respon-
          what we humans have spent          sibility to respond to the call    Kinoti noted that for him to
          so many years building in the      for change even as we have         be able to investigate cases
          name of  a system, became          seen that life can actually        that have led to the loss of
          shadows within just a  few         change within the space of  a      public funds he has had to
          months. A thing which clear-       year.                              be guided by the true spirit
          ly gave many a new perspec-                                           behind their title DCI - Ded-
          tive about life and how best       What about Police?                 ication, Care and Integrity.
          to live, going forward.            Speaking about the Police
                                             force and the act of  policing,    The article continued:
          It was such a beautiful year       there are lots of  issues to       "I believe hell begins right
          that revealed the many flaws       deal with, but let me keep it      here on earth, all actions
          in our societies, families,        simple.                            have consequences and there
          business models, economy,                                             is absolutely no honor in be-
          trade, education and even          A few weeks ago, I came            ing a thief !" he said.
          in the individual spaces. So       across an article in The Star
          for us here at Msingi Afrika       daily newspaper. The article       "I see this job as God’s test.
          Magazine, life really got a        was about Mr George Kinoti,        I believe that God is watch-
          huge and sweet reset in 2020       the Director of  DCI (Direc-       ing to see whether I will do
          and we are so grateful for it.     torate of  Criminal Investiga-     good to my fellow human be-
                                             tion) Kenya. I will use a few      ings who look up to me for
          I intentionally called the         excerpts from the article. I       protection and security as a
          pandemic false, because,           kind of  like the article, not     police officer."
          what else should you call it       necessarily because the many
          when the virus which they          issues facing the police sys-      He said that he has always
          said caused the pandemic has       tem were addressed, but be-        encouraged his team to do
          99.9% recovery rate? False at      cause, from my own point of        things that they will never
          best.                              view, someone, in this case,       regret later in life.

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 10 JAN/FEB 2020    57
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