Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 58
"Never cause a member of be trying to prove. I think we
"I also encourage them to the public to shed tears. The humans have created such a
draw lessons from their re- weak always say ‘I leave it to false attitude about life that
tired colleagues. Those who God’ and that can be a very we have come to make our-
did this job with integrity are powerful curse because God selves like lords over people
happy and those who went fights for the weak. Chun- and we have somehow for-
astray like taking bribes are gana sana na chozi la mn- gotten that actions do have
not happy in retirement," he yonge!" (Be very careful of consequences. For instance,
said. the tears/cries of the weak.) how do you explain the ac-
tion of the President of a
I believe that God is watch- My thoughts nation or governor of a state
ing to see whether I will do Sincerely speaking, I can't or the actions of the minis-
good to my fellow human begin to tell you how much ter of a ministry who inten-
beings who look up to me for I love and appreciate these tionally steal what is meant
protection and security as a words of Mr Kinoti, while for the masses, and then
police officer." hoping that he really lives sends his police or armed
out the reality of these soldiers to deal with them
"Do not cause pain to peo- words he shared with the when they complain? That's
ple. Bring them relief in- world. wickedness to say the least.
stead. Seek blessings as If not for anything, that But in as much as this article
investigators," he said. someone, a policeman, an is about police and policing,
Afrikan, with all the mad- it makes sense to also say
"Invest in peace of mind. ness and shade thrown at the that it's about all of us. Just
Doing wrong as an investiga- business of policing, can still as there are consequences for
tor will always haunt you. I come up with such attitude the actions of policemen, so
am a product of philanthro- towards policing. It's such a are there consequences for
py. I am a product of good- blessing. our actions. How we treat
will." I know you may say that it's the homeless, the widow,
not actually supposed to be a the orphan, the girl or boy
Kinoti said as a child he ben- surprising thing, since polic- child. How we decide what is
efited from caring and kind ing was naturally supposed to wrong or right when it comes
people. be about duty, integrity, ded- to dealing with the people
"Good people stepped in to ication and compassion for that are close to us. Do we
educate me. I was greatly the masses. And you are very twist justice to exonerate
inspired by missionaries and correct to say that, but in the our family members and then
their desire to serve humani- system that we have creat- jail others who do the same
ty," he said. ed over time, where the art things as they did? There are
of policing is so rigged and lots of things to look into
"They not only served as corrupt and where no one when it comes to policing or
priests but also as engineers, really cares, a little change or how we deal with each other.
teachers, doctors and ma- difference in perspective nat- Life is not some vague at-
sons. We account to God at urally calls for appreciation. tempt by God test if His
the end of the day." plans on earth for man will
If you look closely at the work. Life is a deliberate in-
Kinoti said he does not tire issue with policing, you will tention from Him to us. And
in asking his officers to be see that it's actually beyond that's why when Cain decided
genuine in their commitment the agency that the men and to think he had control over
against evil. women in uniforms work for. his brother's life, he was
It has become a very wicked asked "Where is your
"...and avoid blood money at spirit in the hearts of many, brother?" And sincerely
all costs because the money which makes them kill, maim speaking, same question is
soon turns into tears money," or even destroy the desti- being posed to everyone of
he said. nies of others just to prove us right now. But what are
whatever position they may our answers?
58 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika