Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 62
And the outcomes were also still like helps the body heal. For me it was to recover. For me it was to get my
maybe yes, maybe no. a radical shift in lifestyle. I decided immune system jump-started so
to go the full hog. At the beginning my immune system can identify the
Yes and now they were trying to be it was hard adjusting, my body was cancer cells and now eliminate them
positive and say the five year surviv- resisting taking all this juice. I had from the body because everybody
al rate is very high, but for me I was headaches and cravings and what has cancer cells in their body. What’s
like but my mother, my aunt, my they call healing crisis where one different is that maybe your body
uncle, they did not make it through gets things like fevers, upset stom- is able to eliminate efficiently and
and not only that, the other people ach out of the blue for a whole fight off the cancer cells and maybe
I had met along the way who had weekend. But your body is expelling at that point my body was not
cancer, aunties, uncles – maybe not all the toxins. It’s sort of like a detox able to do that and ended up now
my immediate relatives – many of and repair happening at the same proliferating and that’s when you
them had not survived. I went back time. Looking back at my lifestyle, get tumors and things like that. So
to watch the video my sister had I wasn’t one to keep fit. I lived a you’re trying to get nutrients at the
sent me and to understand a little very sedentary lifestyle in regard to cell level and that’s why juicing is
bit more and I said let me give this fitness, I wasn’t drinking water, I recommended because it bypasses
a shot. Behind the scenes, my sister wasn’t managing stress well, and I the entire digestive tract and gets
was praying that is the protocol that wasn’t spending any time in the sun. into your bloodstream between 20
I would choose but she didn’t want Looking back I can see the genesis and 30 minutes after you drink,
to pressure me because at the end of illness. using less energy.
of the day it was my choice. I was taking, at the height of it all,
about 13 glasses of juice a day. We Remember, if you’re unwell, you’re
We went back to see the doctor were buying a lot of carrots, a lot of trying to conserve that energy for
armed with all my test results and cabbages, a lot of broccoli, cauli- the purpose of healing so that’s the
courage and support, and she went flower, ginger... idea behind juicing. Now the idea
through the reports. I mustered up behind taking raw foods – I had to
the courage to say that chemothera- It’s better than KES 75,000 per incorporate a lot of raw foods into
py was not what I wanted to do, that month! my diet – cooking kills the beneficial
I wanted to try nutrition and if it Yes, when you compare, you realize enzymes and nutrients that are in
didn’t work she would see me back buying the vegetables is nothing in food so I was learning about raw
here. We asked for her to support us comparison to the cost of the con- food diets and how I should cook
in the way how she usually moni- ventional treatment and also the side and what I should cook and what
tors her patients. She agreed to and effects of the treatment. One of I should take and have a variety of
asked me to do another MRI in six the side effects I was told about the colors on the plate because that
months. I felt I had a couple of drug would be that you could pos- means you’re getting a lot of nutri-
months in which to try what I want- sibly get heart failure. So I was like ents from the colors.
ed to try and to see the outcome you can treat one thing and die from
from there. another issue. Because this was all The vegetable intake went way
new we kind of groped in the dark up; the meat intake went way
And so you began on this journey in some respects but I had this other down.
of trusting what comes from the gentleman, his name is Michael, No meat, no fish, no chicken, no
soil. How did that go? Did you to lean on and call whenever I had eggs, no butter, no milk, no yogurt,
do what the other person had questions and I took a whole bunch nothing dairy; just plants and plant
done? of supplements. protein, ndengu (green grams), len-
It was a roller-coaster. I just told Basically this change in diet, the aim tils, brown rice, whole foods, seeds,
him what he had done, I was just of it was to try and get my body to not nuts. There’s an issue of differ-
going to copy but I also now went heal itself. We are created in such a ent nuts being affected by mold. So
into a lot of research for myself. way that our bodies should heal, so did not eat much of nuts at all.
Just knowing one person’s journey is when we get a cold, yes you may go
different from another; one person’s to the pharmacy and stock up on Time passed and you went back
body type is different from another. Actifed and all these other drugs, for a test.
I delved into research to under- but even if you leave it for the same Yes, time passed and I went back for
stand what it is about nutrition that 4-5 days your body will find a way a test, and in the interim I was look-
62 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika