Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 67
true to who I was created to be. living in a place like this is it actually
We spend so much time trying to connects me so totally spiritually to
impress and people really don’t care our Father. When I do not have this,
about all that other stuff. If you fall say I go away for a week or some-
into the category of people who thing, and I don’t have this I find my
want to be “Do you know who I spirit feeling suffocated and I have
am?” types “Do you know the kind got to get back into a space where I
of house I live in?” “Do you know am connected with nature because
the kind of car I drive?” Then this it’s very true, God is in nature: “All
is not for you. So it’s a choice they heavens declare the glory of our
have to make at the end of the day. living God.” You know we sing
these worship songs about God in
You help people who want to nature: nature worshiping Him, the
build these kinds of houses. birds they’re continually singing and
I’ll be running workshops where I worshiping him all day, the oceans
give you all the information on how coming and going; they’re all wor- gases, they emit gases and you know
to build, from my perspective. The shiping. we’ve gone and we’ve dug them up
other thing I‘ll be doing is running and breathed in and let me tell you
a question and answer day accom- For me it is a continuous worship what, those things actually affect
panied by an Afrikan meal, because being in an environment like this you. They affect your health. You’re
all this is tied in with traditional which brings peace and when I find worse off in a stone house because
Afrikan foods which we used to eat. myself stressed I come and lie on of the stone, the digging the build-
It’s a lifestyle. the trampoline, if not on the tram- ing and the materials we’re using to
poline, I’ll go across and lie on the build than here where you’ve tried
I’d like to run a workshop on simple grass. I’ll just look up into the sky to keep everything natural because
living for those people who want to and I’ll feel the wind and I will feel with nature you can’t really go
learn how to live a de-stressed life the whisper of the wind, I will feel it wrong with natural stuff because
and to be true to themselves. To be against my body, I will hear the birds that’s how we were born and created
able to shake of the ‘I am so and and it’s that disconnect from man in The Garden of Eden.
so’s wife I need to look a certain from the noises, the man made nois- I just want to read you something
way’ and the ‘I am so and so I am es, some of them can’t be helped, that I was reading last night that I
the head of a certain organization’. but it is that “Be still and know that found really interesting it’s called
We wear so many masks which have I am the Lord Your God,” that’s Eden the first home. “God Himself
trapped us, because we are trying to why I love this place and that’s why made for Adam and Eve their first
be what the world has called us to it’s got that healing effect; because earth home and a beautiful home it
be as opposed to being what I am you have to stop, you have to leave was. We shall call it a garden home.
supposed to be. I’m called to be real, all your busyness outside. It is spir- God chose a place from which four
to be authentic and we’ve got the itually totally connecting with the rivers flowed and there He planted
Holy Spirit to walk with us to teach Father, with who we were created a large garden.” So, already He has
us. to be. And that speaks to our souls stated that the first home was made
deep down. That’s where the spirit is of earth. “But we are sure that no
Tell us about the health benefits and God is calling and God touch- park which man has made could
of living in a space like this one. ing base with you. be so lovely as was the Garden of
Every morning when I wake up I Eden.” It just caught me there, their
can feel the environment actually Also when it comes to the way mud first earth home.
speaking to my heart. It’s about be- houses are constructed from the
ing able to be connected to nature, beginning it’s about when it’s hot Visit: to learn
being connected to God. In the outside, it’s cool inside and when it’s more and to find out how to book a
Garden of Eden there was that di- cold outside it’s warmer inside. That stay at The Garden of Eden.
rect contact with God. They would is just naturally regulating itself. Watch the full length interview
be walking and talking at the end here:
of the day, there would be that, “so When we’re building with stone and watch?v=UKl2X8--mq8
how was your day?” The benefit of everything those things have got