Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 69


         Dillys P. Mundrugo is an ICT consultant
         with a passion for conducting research and   in a given season.        in the urban and rural areas of the
         implementation of  practical tech solutions   It is no secret that shipping products   continent to ensure sustainable en-
                                                                                gagement at all times. In many areas,
                                             across the Atlantic may be much
         for businesses. She is currently involved in   cheaper than transporting the same   the cost of doing business online
         rolling out OpenEA instant online store   volume of goods across two borders   is either still very high or there’s a
         solutions for businesses, a product that en-  in Africa! Most likely even faster.  lack of reliable connection. All this
                                                                                becomes a bottleneck in the quality
            ables the setup and management of    Global trade rules             and speed of service delivery with
         easy-to-use e-commerce solutions for stores,   Africa should consider the bargain-  some areas being left out of the
             restaurants and food deliveries.  ing power it can hold in world trade   ongoing digital shift.
                                             as a single bloc if they went in as
                                             one single market in the face of   Adaptation to technology
                                             countries like China and the United   across Africa
                                             States tightening their grip on many   Traditionally, ICT, like medicine, was
                                             nations.                           one of those fields that has been
                                                                                handled with a ‘leave it to the ex-
                                             Digital infrastructural            perts’ mentality. Not anymore! More
                                             challenges                         and more people now knowing that
                                             Over the past years, there has been a   they cannot entirely do away with
                                             rapid shift in installation and imple-  technology in today’s world, have
                                             mentation of internet and commu-   undergone the necessary mind shift
                                             nications-related solutions across   needed for embracing technological
                                             the continent. More and more       tools as a way of life and doing busi-
                                             people have embraced the new shift   ness on a day-to-day basis.
                                             with the adaptation of tech-based
                                             solutions silently sweeping through   It’s interesting to note the number
          potential. [2]                     all sectors across the continent.  of companies and governments that
                                                                                are currently involved in projects
          There will be a need to make way   The current technological revolution   and programs that are aimed at
          for easy and quick facilitation of   in Africa cannot be ignored. There   reducing the digital gap in various
          people and goods in Africa because   are new opportunities in investing   nations. These projects are great
          currently there is so much fragmen-  in tech-based business incubators in   investments in building the capacity
          tation with economies at widely    support of innovative solutions that   of the general populations involved
          varying stages of development. For   have the potential of not only lifting   and thereby investing in the future
          this to work out, creating supportive   millions out of poverty but also al-  economic sustainability of Africa
          policies, eliminating monopolies and   tering the socio-economic landscape   as a whole. The investments cur-
          stamping out uncooperative behav-  of the African continent in coming   rently going into the tech hubs and
          ior will need to be looked into.   years.                             reducing the skills gap in Africa will
          Infrastructure and border jams     In the past few years, we have seen   definitely boost the general GDP of
          While many countries have come     new tech-based developments in all   the continent in coming years.
          a long way in improving their road   areas not just limited to the busi-
          and rail networks, in a bid to im-  ness sector. Areas like agriculture,   Doing Business Online
          prove trans national movement of   finance, transport, education and   Corona-virus pandemic boosts on-
          goods, we cannot ignore the delays   government can all attest to taking   line trade in Africa
          that currently exist at most bor-  up new tech tools and solutions that   This year more than ever, people
          der points, with countless stamps,   have helped improve their efficiency   were woken to alternative ways of
          signatures and certificates required   and service delivery.          doing business when many of us
          to move a container from one point   It’s therefore fair to say that we have   were locked down due to the global
          to another. These not only pose    come a long way, but more can still   corona-virus pandemic that is still
          challenges to those dealing with   be done.                           affecting us globally. Both big and
          perishable products but also reduce   How? There’s need for affordable   small entrepreneurs were forced to
          the number of trips one can make   and reliable access to internet and   reconsider how to continue serving
                                             telecommunication facilities both   their clients, manage their teams and

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 10 JAN/FEB 2020    69
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