Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 73


          looking at you as you passed the

          various monuments that depict
          their suffering. We passed an
          old well with an inscription on
          it that says "Attenuated well" or
          something  to  that  effect.  Not

          so sure anymore. It was the well
          the slaves being transported
          were made to drink from and
          by which effect they were made
          to forget their places of  origin.
          We passed that well, got to an
          arch formerly called "The Point
          of  No Return". I say formerly,    member, like I had already men-    the  continent  with  their  broth-

          because while there, the Lord      tioned, this particular day was    ers  and sisters in  the diaspora.
          asked me to change the name of     the Jewish Yom Kippur which is     Was this a coincidence that it
          that place to "The Point of  The   the Day of  Atonement.             was the same September that
                                                                                this declaration was made? I do
          Return". That particular monu-
          ment was the last marker for any   It was much later I began to un-   not think so. Do you know how
          slave going through that Bada-     derstand what the Lord made        much Ghana generated through

          gry slave route. It was the point   me do at Badagry that day and     activities related to the year
          from which no slave returned.      how the next few years of  the     of  return? About US1.9Billion
          Meaning that once a slave passed   Afrikan  narrative would  be  de-  Dollars with about 500,000
          that point, there was no hope of   termined by its spiritual out-     tourists from outside of  Afrika.
          coming back home either dead       come.                              Certainly that's a strong indica-
          or alive.                                                             tion of  the coming to pass of
                                             Now, you may be wondering          the declaration for all that was

          As I received the command to       what Badagry has to do with        stolen from Afrika to return.
          change the name of  that place     Ghana  as  the  land  of   the  war-
          from "The Point of  no return"     rior kings. Let me show you.       Now why was 2019 very impor-
          to "The Point of  the Return",                                        tant for the year of  the return to
          the Lord showed me a stone and     Ghana's Year of  the Return        begin even as the word and dec-
          asked me to throw it as far as I   Exactly four years after that dec-  laration was given in 2014? 2019

          could into the sea. He then com-   laration in Badagry, in Washing-   made it the 400th year from
          manded me to command every-        ton, D.C., on September 2018,      which the first slaves from Af-
          thing that has been stolen from    Ghana's President Nana Akufo-      rika arrived in America in 1619.
          Afrika be returned to Afrika. I    Addo declared and formally         And what picture does this paint
          did as He asked, threw the stone   launched the “Year of  Return,     in your heart? The event of  the
          as far as I could, made the dec-   Ghana 2019” for Afrikans in the    400 years of  Israel's slavery in
          laration about the return of  all   Diaspora, giving  fresh impetus   Egypt. Are  these  things  coinci-
          things  stolen  from  Afrika.  Re-  to the quest to unite Afrikans on   dences? Not at all.

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 10 JAN/FEB 2020    73
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