Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 75
De ECONOMYvelopment
Excuses, Excuses,
Excuses= Mediocrity!
Njeri Muchunu
ecently, I’ve been having does mediocrity really mean? What Considering how quickly the world
a series of thoughts on does it mean to be mediocre? Are around us changes the best way to
the subject of mediocrity you mediocre? see whether you are mediocre or not
Rand what being mediocre is to look at how you respond to the
really means. In recent weeks I’ve Let’s face it. All of us believe that changes. Do you embrace change
had conversations that in various we are better than others. At least in and constantly learn to keep up with
forms have raised the topic of some ways. “I’m definitely a better the world? Or do you just sit back
mediocrity. As a nation, I also feel driver than most of the others. I’m and wait to see what will happen to
we have become a mediocre society a much better manager. I’m a really you? If the latter applies, you are
where we never seem to strive for good parent. I’m a great listener most likely mediocre.
excellence in anything that we do. and always annoyed when I need to
It got me thinking deeply — What constantly talk so others see it.” Mediocre people sort of give up on