Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 72


          A king is not just someone that carries a crown of gold or            My experience at Badagry
          reed on his head, sitting on a throne of gold or wood, but            In 2014, around September or
          one who either intentionally or unintentionally searches out          so, the Lord asked me to go to

          and carries out the hidden matters of God for their lives and         Badagry in Lagos to carry out an
          nation.                                                               assignment, which clearly was
          Samuel Phillips                                                       very dear  to His heart. I spent
                                                                                a week in Badagry in a friend's
          I    t is the glory of  God to conceal a   grated, the newly independent nation   family home. It was an assigment

                                                                                which I only  got the details  of
               matter, But the glory of  kings is to
                                             chose for itself a new name: Ghana.
                                                                                when I arrived there. Badagry is
               search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2.
                                             This Soninke word for “warrior king”
                                             is a fitting tribute to the region’s rich   a  border  town  between  Nigeria
          The above scripture was on my mind   history and to the fierce persistence   and Benin Republic. It's a for-
          as I reflected one early morning on   that led its people to independence.  mer slave route town and even
          the cover story for this issue, which   There is so much to learn from the   still  has  the  various  ports  and

          speaks of Ghana as the land of the   little story shared about the indepen-  buildings used for the dreadful
          kings. This is not just some made up   dence  of  Ghana, but  I  particularly   Atlantic Slave Trade. So basical-
          story or  sensational ideas designed   love the fact that the newly indepen-  ly, Badagry is a very popular and
          to stir up some  reactions  or  what-  dent nation chose her own name. A   important historic site in Afrika.
          ever, but a true reality which is also   name with a  deep  meaning which
          found in the literal meaning of the   resonates  with  the  true  destiny  of   I got to Badagry and started my

          name Ghana. Ghana literally means a   what every nation in Afrika is. Names   one week stay. It was actually
          young warrior king. This is the truth   are very important in telling the true   fun for me because I naturally
          about Ghana's identity as allowed by   destiny of a person or people. And   enjoy historical places, especial-
          the Creator Who puts people in the   Ghana simply bears a most beautiful   ly for the stories and events they
          various  places  on  the  earth.  But  to   name that truly reflects a great des-  portray. So on this particular
          give a little more depth to this reality,   tiny. The simple truth is that, anyone   day during my visit, I remember
          I will shortly share an experience that   who has the ability to create his own   it was the day of  the Jewish Yom
          I had with the Lord in 2014, which   reality by the name chosen, definitely   Kippur (The Day of  Atone-

          I believe will give more strength to   is one who can stand tall for a chosen   ment), the Lord asked me to go
          the reality of Ghana being the land   purpose.                        to the old slave port to make a
          of the warrior kings.              Another thing  about Ghana that    declaration. So I went there with

                                             is worth noting is, she was the first   one of  my friends who took it
          Ghana's Independence               colony in Sub-Saharan Afrika to gain   upon himself  to take me around.

          On March 6, 1957, the British Gold   independence  from the  colonizers.   We followed the slave route that
          Coast (Now  known  as Ghana)  be-  By  simple law of nature, anything   led to the seashore where slaves
          came the first colony in Sub-Saharan   that comes first becomes a model for   were carried into boats and
          Afrika to gain independence from   others to follow. So for Ghana, you   transferred onto the slave ships
          European colonial rule.            are truly a model and a land of war-  anchored  in  the  sea.  The  entire
          In honor of the ancient empire from   riors whose destiny propels others to   journey  was  very surreal; the
          which some  of its  people  had mi-  take a good stand for purpose.   kind that makes you feel like the
                                                                                souls of  those lost slaves were

          72      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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