Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 77
Mediocre people sort of give up on im-
proving and even on giving their best.
They just plow through the day doing
what needs to be done but without
much interest and with no intention of
going above and beyond.
ity is having a lack of courage or you just get in other peoples’ way.
confidence. It might sound odd, but This generation seems to settle for
timidity is a form of pride. When mediocre work, mediocre education,
you’re timid, you’re afraid of what mediocre relationships (friendship,
people will think of you if you fail. family, and romance, marriage), and
You think that if you fail, people even mediocre faith.
will think of you differently or your Martin Luther said: The maid who
reputation will be damaged. Failure sweeps her kitchen is doing the will
doesn’t mean, “It’s over.” It means, of God just as much as the monk
“Try again; do better.” When we’re who prays—not because she may
timid and become afraid of what sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps
others will think if you fail or just but because God loves clean floors.
purely afraid of failure itself, you The Christian shoemaker does his
are putting yourself in a snare—it’s Christian duty not by putting little
a trap! Unless you trust in God, crosses on the shoes, but by making and joy.
there’s no way out. Make your plans good shoes because God is inter-
and act on them; God will bring you ested in good craftsmanship. These After reading this article, have you
through it. It may not be exactly as [vocations] are the masks of our realized that perhaps you may be
you envision it, but He will get you Lord God, behind which He wants living in mediocrity? Would you like
through it. to be hidden and to do all things. to change this and start living your
very best life as a leader? Reach out
From a very young age, all I’ve Whatever you do, you ought to do it to us here and we would be more
known is hard work and I’ve seen from the soul—as if it is an inte- than happy to guide you on the
its value over the years. All I’ve been gral part of your life and soul as a steps you can take towards achieving
doing since leaving employment is human being. You are therefore not excellence.
working hard toward my calling, my called to mediocrity, but to great-
deployment. Perhaps it’s because of ness—to be the greatest at every- Also, if you want to learn more
my up-bringing and my training as a thing you do to the best of your about leadership, you can see my
lawyer where there was zero toler- ability. Again, I emphasize that I do work on:
ance for incompetence. Things seem not mean that you are expected you
to have changed these days. To me, to be an absolute expert in all that
if you’re incompetent and medio- you do, but God does want you to
cre, why bother to do it at all? That be your best because it will only aid
might seem harsh to some of you, in your growth as a human being,
but mediocrity doesn’t get you any- and doing your best brings glory to
where and when you’re mediocre, God and it assures you of success