Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 82


          EV market, in Africa and beyond. A                                    monitoring and maintenance.
          discussion for another time.       Systems and Protocols
                                             The goal is sustainability, primarily   Consumption
          The Technique                      speaking to longevity. Longevity   An imperative goal is consistent and
          The recommended cure to the        can be interpreted as the contin-  socio-economical electrical supply to
          electrical system in Nigeria is in two   ual availability for utilization of a   the market that is the consumer.
          parts. First, mixed-energy sources.   development that does not destroy   Power Sourcing: Design consid-
          Second, a system I call ‘segregation   the environment. The developments   eration should be given to peak
          for integration’: a technique that   must also advance the people they   consumption systems.
          both protects the overall electrical   are meant to serve – this I will touch
          system and prevents unnecessary    on in a subsequent section.        Low Peak Consumption
          outages.                                                              ▪ Daylight Hours – prioritize fossil
          The past few couple decades has    Transmission-Distribution          fuel plants
          produced technology pertaining to   Integrating renewable energy devel-  ▪ Non-Daylight Hours – prioritize
          renewable energy utilization, largely   opments into the existing transmis-  fossil fuel plants
          in the solar energy sector. These   sion-distribution system is certain
          include BIPVs (building-integrated   to further collapse and potentially   Mid Peak Consumption
          photovoltaics), solar farms, solar   cripple the system. Hence, new   ▪ Daylight Hours – prioritize clean
          skins, modular hydropower con-     systems must be developed along-   energy plants
          struction, and tidal or wave energy   side the optimization of the existing   ▪ Non-Daylight Hours – prioritize
          capturing technology.              system for progress and a significant   fossil fuel plants
                                             ROI (return-on-investment) to be
          Our best available resources dictate   realized.                      High Peak Consumption
          we focus on solar energy and wind                                     ▪ Daylight Hours – prioritize clean
          energy. Solar farms have been con-  1. Upgrading of existing lines and   energy plants
          structed to produce from 13.4 MW   stations via audited monetary expen-  ▪ Non-Daylight Hours – prioritize
          in Japan, up to 40 MW, and 70 MW   ditures.                           fossil fuel plants
          in China.* This is the recommend-  2. Development of hubs for the
          ed construct for the reason of vast   separation of the existing power sys-  End User Relation
          availability of land for use.      tems into the segregated regions.   Strategic consumption regulations to
          Boasting of 911,770 km2 of which   3. New development under a segre-  consider include:
          80% is not being used for human    gation method:                     Consumption Rates: Assigning vary-
          living, I present, in the research   a. Pre-existing lines will be over-  ing electricity cost based on the time
          paper*, options for percentage     whelmed, hence                     of the day based on:
          utilization of the available land,   b. New lines must be developed, and   ▪ Daylight (and sunlight) hours.
          with expected power outputs and    c. Grid stability issues should be   ▪ Low to high peak hours.
          expected financial expenditures. The   considered due to potential genera-
          beneficial energy-mix system for   tion instability of renewable energy   District Consumption Rates
          Nigeria using the technique is the   power plant; fluctuation in generat-  ▪ Rates with regards to population
          quint-series: solar + wind + fossil   ed power must be considered.    density
          fuels + hydro + energy storage     4. Strategic integration of the newly   ▪ Rates with regards to market:
          systems. Due to the uncontrollability   developed lines and stations:   residential, business, or industrial
          of renewable energy sources, energy   a. Newly developed lines and sta-  districts.
          storage systems will be necessary.   tions must first be integrated with
          Segregation for integration: it is the   one another, then            Credit/Charge System
          regional grouping of the country for   b. Should be integrated with the   ▪ Discounts rates for consumption
          energy consumption, with linkages   pre-existing lines and stations.   below district/regional threshold/
          between the regions to support tem-  5. In this era of AI/autonomous   average.
          porarily disturbed regions. A great   operations, an optimum monitoring   ▪ Audited rate increase for excess
          advantage to this technique is its   system must be integrated to pro-  consumption at certain peak hours.
          scalability. Via certain technological   vide alerts and/or self-maintenance
          development, consistent electrical   and self-rectification measures.   Technology
          supply can be achieved.            This strategy allows for ease of

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