Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 85
spectives of the same town just prejudice against those who don’t grace and peace. By practicing
so happen to belong to me. But I exactly think, believe and act as we non-judgment, grace, forgiveness,
know that these perspectives and do. Subsequently finding ourselves and ultimately love, our perspective
viewpoints are not shared, with only accepting and associating with organically changes to one that har-
most of the town’s population. For like-minded people. We can call it bors, nurtures then exudes positivi-
instance, most young people would tribalism, which extends beyond ty and displaces negativity.
likely find the garden scene and at- what we think of tribalism here in
mosphere exceptionally boring and Africa in the form of race, color, I encourage you to give it a try,
devoid of any “real” entertainment traditions and beliefs systems, even even when the very atmosphere
value at all, while the junction amongst Christian denominations. you find yourself in challenges you.
stage scene is full of action, music In the US for instance, from small Sometimes, and unfortunately,
and desired human interaction. towns to large cities, you will find the most often shared Bible stories
Likewise, a business person would anywhere from a few to a few are the ones that are most easily
have little use for the garden as dozen of Christian church denom- glossed over without much consid-
the customers and transportation inations who differ quite a bit in eration. Jesus Christ is our ultimate
needs are found in the busy areas of terms of what they believe to be the example on how to treat others. So
town. Additionally travelers/com- true Christian doctrine. The results please allow me to encourage you
muters that need fast and cheap often being separatist behavior, and to read again, the parable of “The
transportation, seek out the modes in the extreme, active and practiced Good Samaritan” (Luke 10: 25-37),
described above. So do I have the discrimination. and the story “The Woman at the
right to judge, criticize, and look on This is not new information, I Well” (John 4:4-28). Both are about
those who do not share my per- realize, but it’s easy and mysterious- accepting, nurturing and forgiv-
spective with disdain? ly natural for us humans when it ing those, who in these stories,
comes to dealing with one another, were the most discriminated and
Another example of varying in our community, church, circle of disregarded people of those times
perspectives is the story of the friends, and even in our own fam- within the Jewish culture. Christ
five blind men who encounter an ilies, to subconsciously gravitate to demonstrated a superior way to
elephant. It’s an old folk tale from the side of negativity and judgment live, but unfortunately it doesn't
India about different viewpoints of others. Mainly because of differ- come naturally to us; we must
than our own. Through the sense ences of perspective. In reality, this intentionally practice His teaching,
of touch, five blind men attempt to way of thinking and behaving not not just hear them or preach them.
conceptualize and learn what an el- only affects our outward relation-
ephant is like. As you can imagine, ships, but it is certainly a detri-
each came up with a very different ment to our own holistic, spiritual,
description as one described the mental and physical well being.
trunk, another the tail, the oth- By psychologically and spiritually
ers the legs, ears and tusks. Even shifting our thinking to acceptance,
though each account was accurate, inclusivity, understanding, forgive-
their descriptions varied greatly to ness and love, or just simply agree-
the point of disagreement concern- ing to disagree - we can displace
ing what an elephant must be. the negativity of bitterness, disdain,
and judgment that we may hold
Where am I going with this? for others who don’t exactly share
In an attempt to live a more peace- our culture or beliefs. Like forgive-
ful and harmonious life as I walk ness, this is a gift to ourselves that
this journey, I am learning to be actively fosters a spirit and energy
more accepting of the differences of positivity that those around us
between myself and others. As will ultimately benefit from as well. David M. Jones is a
humans suffering from the hu- Imagine not having to feel like we counselor and lecturer at Africa
man condition of being imperfect, are in the judgment seat or the sub- Nazarene University, Nairobi,
somehow in an attempt to justify ject of judgment. What a liberating Kenya. He can be reached at:
and protect ourselves we tend way to live and relate to others,
to build walls of distinction and that produces an atmosphere of