Page 89 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 89


          to boost immunity, a doctor in the   paper as “flawed science” and called   ute to a positive reading in a person
          US went before senate committees   its authors “intellectually dishonest.”   who is not actually sick.)
          speaking about a drug that could be   Their findings were released towards   Based on the article, “the first “ma-
          repurposed for use in the treatment   the end of November 2020, so why   jor” issue identified in the ICSLS
          of Covid-19 with great effectiveness   is it that their findings have not been   review is that the Corman-Drosten
          saying he had proof… scores of     publicly highlighted, for us to review   paper and the trial PCR tests were
          doctors spoke out against rushing a   and consider, at the very least?  written and conducted “without
          vaccine, about alternative remedies,   According to an article by Michael   having virus material available,” in
          warning about the vaccine ingredi-  Haynes ( about the   the words of the CD paper itself.
          ents and on and on. All these people   ICSLS findings, “the group presents   Instead, the PCR test method was
          were ignored, publicly ridiculed,   “ten fatal problems” with the Cor-  based on “silico sequences, sup-
          content about the information they   man-Drosten paper, and concludes   plied by a laboratory in China.” The
          shared deleted by Big Tech, and    that there is no other choice “but to   CD paper’s aims of development
          their claims rubbished by people   retract the publication.” Each of the   and deployment of a test “are not
          with questionable ties to various in-  problems is described as being suf-  achievable without having any actual
          terests in the Covid-19 debate. Why?   ficient on its own to render the PCR   virus material available,” according
          Why has it become increasingly im-  test “useless as a specific diagnostic   to the ICSLS.”
          possible to simply debate the issues   tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2
          surrounding the rush and the panic   virus.” The ICSLS report highlights   Again, according to the Haynes
          in the Covid-19 global ‘crisis’?   the “worldwide misdiagnosis of     article, “On the day the CD paper
                                             infections” stemming from the CD   was submitted to medical journal
          PCR Testing                        protocols, resulting in “stringent   Eurosurveillance, Google data re-
          In the same way that the entire    lockdowns which have destroyed     cords only 6 deaths from the virus.
          Global Reset Initiative rests entirely   many people’s lives and livelihoods.”   This leads the ICSLS to question
          on there being a Covid-19 pandem-  ” The lead author of the ICSLS     why the CD report predicted “a
          ic, the entirety of the claims that   report is Dr Pieter Borger, an expert   challenge for public health labora-
          Covid-19 is a pandemic hangs on    on the molecular biology of gene   tories while there was no substantial
          the Real Time Polymerase Chain     expression, and among the co-au-   evidence at that time to indicate that
          Reaction (RT-PCR or PCR) test.     thors is Dr Michael Yeadon, former   the outbreak was more widespread
          The Corman-Drosten (CD) paper      Vice President of vaccine company   than initially thought?”
          published in January 2020 proposed   Pfizer.                          In order for a PCR test to be reli-
          the use of the PCR test as a validat-                                 able, “amplification from 3 different
          ed means to detect Covid-19, which   According to a Dr Paul Sacré the   genes (primers) of the virus under
          then became the protocol that is   nasal or throat swab that is taken   investigation is required.” Yet the
          used in around 70% of tests global-  during the PCR test is “processed to   ICSLS found in the CD paper
          ly, by over 100 governments. These   isolate genetic material,” then prim-  that “in nearly all test procedures
          tests in turn became the motivating   ers — “engineered genetic materi-  worldwide, merely 2 primer match-
          factor behind the lockdown epidem-  al” — are added and bound to the   es were used instead of all three.
          ic. Just like that billions of lives were   viral genetic material, which begins   This oversight renders the entire
          hit hard, no questions asked, no   “amplification.” During amplifica-  test-protocol useless with regards
          discussion, no argument. For your   tion, fluorescent markers “bound to   to delivering accurate test-results
          safety and protection, abi?        the copies during PCR” are released,   of real significance in an ongoing
          The International Consortium of    and if enough of these are detected,   pandemic.” Continuing, the ICSLS
          Scientists in Life Sciences (ICSLS),   then the test is termed positive.”   notes that the proposed PCR test
          comprised of a group of 22 in-     (Permit me to translate this into   contains “severe design errors,” and
          dependent scientists studied and   English: the PCR test makes mul-   since the test is unable to distinguish
          reviewed the CD paper and are      tiple copies of the genetic material   between “the whole virus and viral
          quoted as having found, “numerous   in a sample to allow one to ‘see’ the   fragments” it “cannot be used as
          technical and scientific errors,” and   virus. And if I may add, sometimes   a diagnostic for SARS-viruses.” A
          noting that neither the “test nor the   the copies they make include virus   positive test, as mentioned in the
          manuscript itself fulfils the require-  material that is dead and inactive   CD paper, cannot determine if one
          ments for an acceptable scientific   and therefore not infectious. Those   is infected with the virus, but “mere-
          publication.” They dubbed the CD   also get multiplied and can contrib-  ly indicates the presence of viral

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