Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 94


          college sweetheart Penny Rose      gathered among the traditionalists   she be Liberian, in the next months
          crumbled because of race reasons,   who are termed “unbelievers” as   she would be other things. Other
          makes him the dupe for Ricardo’s   Ike’s mother tells him that “light and   people”. To show their powerless-
          scam. Yesenia, who he is supposed   darkness has nothing in common”.   ness and their new fringe’ existence
          to marry in order to obtain his green   This creates social segregation in   in Belgium, Madam instructs the
          card, never shows up, while Ricardo   Ukonki village as well as Africa in   four ladies that until their debts
          continues to obtain money from     general. However, Osuakwu who is   to Dele have been liquidated, they
          him on her behest. This is also a   a chief-priest of Ngene ostracizes   remain his property. She demands
          demonstration of assumption in the   himself from Christians whom he   their ‘silence and total obedience’
          novel. Corruption is thus not appli-  sees as a threat to the gods of their   and this innocuous oath to secrecy
          cable to Africa alone but worldwide.   land. Their respective ideologies   redefines each one of the ladies.
                                             create sub-plots in the novel as their
          There are ideological differences   individual ideologies are carried out   The assumption of false identity
          between the Christian and African   in its terrain. This shows that there   ensures the strong grip of their
          traditional religions which create   is disconnection among people who   pimp; they not only become anony-
          a vacuum in the social rapport     ought to have associated as a family   mous, they are rendered faceless and
          between the individuals. Most im-  or community.                      devoid of any legal rights. Eventu-
          portantly is the issue of supremacy                                   ally, Sisi is murdered and this goes
          between their respective beliefs. The   Quest for Identity and Survival   un-investigated because of her ille-
          Christians label African traditional   in Chika Unigwe’s On Black     gal status and she is thereby denied
          religion as fetish, barbaric and evil.   Sisters Street.              justice. Joyce, who is not Nigerian, is
          This is seen in the characters of Pas-  Identity alterations occur in the four   used by the author to reinforce the
          tor Uka, Ike’s mother and his sister   female protagonists of Unigwe’s   global dimensions of sex trafficking.
          as they reject and try to indoctrinate   ‘On Black Sisters Street’. This oc-  Joyce is born Alek has been a victim
          Ike into their Christian ideology and   curs at very profound, visceral levels   of civil war and rape in her native
          to convince him never to associ-   in a harsh and hostile environment.   Sudan. Alek’s name is changed to
          ate with his uncle Osuakwu who     Sisi, whose story turns tragic as she   Joyce at the whim of Senghor Dele
          is a traditionalist. Pastor Uka says:   gets murdered for trying to escape   before she is sent to Belgium, a
          “Your uncle and grandmother are    slavery and the grip of her pimp, is   name he considers more fanciful
          grandmasters in the demonic world.   born in Chisom, but she is forced   than the former.
          Your uncle is like Ahab and your   to change her name. On landing     The protagonists of ‘On Black
          grandmother is like Jezebel. Both   in Belgium, Sisi is shocked when   Sisters Street’ are all strong char-
          of them are worshippers of Baal.   her supposed guardian and chaper-  acters with tragic back stories in
          God has given me the prophetic     one tells her “Ah, hand over your   Africa, which have forced them into
          power of Elijah. A ball of fire will   passport. From now until your debt   accepting Dele’s offer of trading in
          descend from on high and consume   is paid I am in charge of it”. She   their bodies. Their identities be-
          Baal and all its worshipers. That is   is first made to assume the identity   come so altered that they become
          why Osuakwu and your grandma are   of a Liberian fleeing the civil war   reduced to commodities and are
          terrified of me.”                  in her home country and with this   displayed behind windows in the
                                             contrived story, she files for asylum   red light district for the delight and
          However, the above excerpt is      in the Belgian Ministry of Foreign   preying eyes of men - their clients.
          to sensitize Ike of the dangers    Affairs. In the words of Madam, her   Their full objectification does not
          in associating with his uncle and   chaperone: “White people enjoy sob   end with their display at the win-
          grandmother who the Christians     stories. They love to hear about us   dows; they are always subjected to
          term evil. Pastor Uka also tries to   killing each other, about us hacking   close scrutiny of their chaperone,
          convince Ike never to go near or   each other’s heads off in senseless   Madam, who ensures they dress and
          associate with Osuakwu and his     ethnic conflicts”.                 look attractive as if they were wares.
          grandma. “If you go to see either                                     Daily on their job posts, they have
          of them, you’ll die. I receive that   This begins the process of psycho-  to haggle constantly for fees to be
          message this morning. If not for my   logical alienation in Chisom as she   paid by their prospective clients.
          fasting and prayer you would have   transforms to become an anony-    For the four protagonists in this
          been finished months ago.” The     mous “Sisi” in a foreign land. Sisi re-  novel, the Belgian environment has
          Christians are never seen around or   alizes too late that “Not only would   rendered them without a genuine

          94      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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