Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 97
Arvy Ngayaka Ngala-Ngala from Kongo
(DRC) is a 26 year old Marketing Special- its removal. They may suggest the view of the treatment of the west. If
removal of one of your kidneys.
you go to see a doctor in the west,
ist at Signori Armadio, he is the Head at Reasoning that “there are two kid- he/she will ask you a few questions,
Zola Bantu. He is Student of the Servant neys, and a person can live with one and after the questions, he will
of Holy Spirit for the Conscience awaken- kidney”. If they see that your binary have the necessary information to
vesicles are of no use, they will
either have a look at your current
ing of Black people for the preparation of suggest the removal of your binary condition by checking your tension,
the 3rd Civilization of a 1,000 years in the vesicles. This is the nature of the or how your heart is beating. He
heart of Afrika in the time of Aquarius. medicine that we are currently rely- will check your temperature and
ing on, the so-called modern med- all these external parameters will
icine. African people are grateful be considered, and he may also
“oh father God has given us grace” demand that they take a sample of
because they have experienced the your blood, so that they can see in
nature of this western medicine. the blood if any infection is present.
Believing there’s a reason to rejoice He will send the sample of your
because the life expectancy of the blood to the laboratory for testing.
people practicing this medicine in The laboratory specialists will take
the west is increasing. a look at the blood sample with the
use of several instruments and then
Life expectancy rates (2017) from after, they will send your blood test
World Development Indicators, results back to the doctor. If need
US 78.54 yrs., Japan 84.1 yrs., be, they will explain in comparison
South Africa 63.54 yrs. Genesis and say, “see the compositions
5:27, "And all the days of Methuse- of the blood sample you sent for
lah were nine hundred and six- check-up”, but look at the compo-
of money and it's bringing up a lot ty-nine years”, and we are amazed sition of a normal person. Others
of millionaires, but sickness is not by how people lived longer back in may make you go through a CT
ending. Lots of medication is now the day. “computerized tomography” scan
required to be taken for survival.
or MRI “Magnetic resonance im-
The pharmaceutical companies aging” scan. Then later, the doctor
Top pharma companies in the have developed medicine that has can give his diagnosis. This is the
world’s net worth: Roche – consequences, mostly known as basic outline of how the process
$49.23bn, Novartis – $47.45bn, “side effects”. For example, after of medicine in the west goes. And
Merck & Co. – $46.84bn, the prescribed treatment, you will when the doctor has given his diag-
GlaxoSmithKline – $44.27bn, see a person begin to scratch, or nosis, he will suggest a way to bring
Sanofi – $40.46bn, AbbVie – a person begins to develop the you back to your normal state.
$33.26bn, Takeda – $30.52bn.
sickness of Parkinson’s (a progres- He may do this by either prescrib-
sive nervous system disorder that ing a good nutritious diet, or he
If someone has Arterial hyperten- affects movement and a person will look for chemicals or drugs
sion (high blood pressure) they will starts shaking). A person will start that will go and destroy the virus/
prescribe medication for him/her to have Alzheimer's disease with parasite that is in your body. He will
that he/she will need to take for troubles in the head. The cells of try to destroy it through chemistry,
their entire life span. If someone the human body begin to proliferate through antibiotics, but if it has al-
has high sugar levels inside his/her in an anarchic (uncontrolled/abnor- ready caused severe damage to the
blood, they will prescribe medica- mal growth) that people call cancer extent that the body that cannot be
tion that he/she will need to take or tumour when that proliferation cured by drugs, he will do repairs
for their entire life span. If you do is only at a particular point. That is by surgery. He will cut you to re-
not want to take medication for life, why today with the guidance of our move/replace/repair the organs that
they will have a look at the organ African ancestors we have come to are damaged.
that is the source of the sickness in add a little knowledge to this nature
your body. Then if they find that of healing/treatment. The pharmaceutical companies are
organ can no longer perform its the ones who are the specialists/
intended function, they may suggest
Ladies and gentlemen, a brief over- producers of the drugs that the