Page 102 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 102


          I can't remember the exact words I   really about giving the most of what   No two Afrikans are the same, just
          responded to her answers with, but I   you have right in your hand at the   as no two humans are the same
          believe it was along these lines. I think   time it is needed of you. So it's not   globally. And I said this because,
          people don't give their best because   some kind of competition to outdo   while I may have the mindset that
          they do not understand that whatever   others, but a competition against   says all I do or give must be my
          we do or give as humans, it's not a   your own self that may want you   best, other Afrikans may not have
          reflection of the people we are doing   to give less. In our case, it was easy   such mind even if they have the
          it for or giving it to. Its a reflection of   to just do the magazine design in a   required skills to give their best. I
          ourselves and what we stand for.    shabby way since we really were not   remember having to redo the mag-
          For instance, when we started this   expecting money from it. But we   azine template several times until
          magazine in 2018, we did not have the   knew that whether there was money   it made some "excellent" sense to
          skills required to make it happen, nor   coming from it or not, what we give   me.
          did we have the funds to hire those   or put out there will not speak of   And also to further answer the
          that have the skills to do what we   those we are giving it to, but it will   question about whether Afrikans
          needed. And knowing that the mag-   speak of who we are on the inside.  are lazy in their minds, I think Af-
          azine was what must be done as part                                    rikans are some of the most talent-
          of how to reach Afrikans with the   What does it really matter?        ed creators worldwide. Having said
          message of hope, we needed to find   I think it matters a whole lot.   that, I think most people in Afrika
          a way to make it happen. On my part,   I believe that giving or doing our   don't give their best because we in
          I got the software required to make   best in any space we find ourselves   Afrika still struggle with the issue
          the magazine designs, got loads of   has a lot to do with our personal   of adequate compensation, reward
          YouTube tutorials and buried myself   ideologies and orientations about   or appreciation for good talent. So
          in learning how to make magazine de-  life and the impact we have and also   why bother to give your best if you
          signs. For the first one week of learn-  want to leave around us. Personally,   won't be compensated adequately?
          ing, I was doing no less than sixteen   I am very concerned and also pay   And this is why I said that giving
          hours a day at my desk. In my head,   close attention to the effects of   your best is about you and not the
          even though we knew the magazine    things I do on others. And I am not   other person.
          was going to be free for all who read   saying this to mean that I live my   I have met some "crazy" Afrikan
          it, I could not make myself give below   life or do things to impress others,   designers whose works for me
          the standard I am convinced is my   but that I am very conscious of my   were beyond my creative ability
          best. I got so engrossed in learning   actions and how they affect others   and I am very convinced Afrikans
          how to make the designs that even in   around me. As a creative or some-  are excellent creators.
          my sleep, I would find myself doing   one whose head is constantly look-
          the magazine. A little bit after a week,   ing for the very next thing to create,   The question now is this, what if
          the first template of the magazine   be it a new song, a new design, or   the world never wakes up from the
          was ready for customization. My wife   even a new idea in my head, I am   effect of Covid-19 and businesses
          on her own part was learning seri-  always looking for how best to bring   don't return to normal, will you
          ously how to customize the website   forth that which is brewing in my   stop doing your best just because
          template we were going to use and   mind. And because I am conscious   no client is willing to make a deal
          also learning how to work around the   of the very things I do and how   with you? Think about it and also
          other software that power the back-  they affect others and everything   remember that creativity is about
          end of the magazine. It was a very   around me, I am also very conscious   your inner person before it is
          crucial moment that defined what our   about making it my best. Why is that   about those outside.
          mindset about excellence was and we   really important? If you have the
          gave it all that we could then. So it   capacity to give your average and   Peace always.
          was not so surprising that when the   also your best, why settle for average
          first issue went live that readers were   when you can shoot for the best of
          so captivated by the quality of design.   yourself? I just think it makes sense
          We simply gave it all we could give it.   to do that.

          Now, it's easy to think that giving our   Are Afrikans lazy in their minds?
          best means we must be able to outdo   I don't think so. I just think the
          others. Not at all. Giving one's best is   diversity in Afrika also means that

          102     |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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