Page 104 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 104
a trunk from 30 to 50 feet (9 to 15 a brick wall, the skin cells are the strength and elasticity. The older we
meters) in diameter. The tree has bricks and the oils and lipids are get, the slower collagen production
white flowers that open at night and the mortar, which holds the bricks becomes, so it’s important to sup-
are pollinated by bats. The fruit, together in place and prevents any- port your skin with a healthy diet
is almost 1 foot (30 centimeters) thing from seeping through. Plant- and proper skin care. Baobab seed
long. It dangles from the tree like based oils are considered a type of oil is rich in Vitamin C - known to
a lantern from a long, ropy stem. emollient, which means they help boost collagen – and antioxidants
The fruit holds many seeds buried strengthen the outer layer of your that, when used on the skin, help
in a mealy pulp. The pulp, which is skin — the stratum corneum — by to preserve collagen and keep skin
rich in vitamin C, serves as food for softening and sealing it, preventing strong, glowing, radiant, and youth-
both animals and people, and it is water loss. The oils are typically ful-looking.
also used to flavor cool drinks. derived from the various parts of
plants — flowers, leaves, roots, etc. 4. Strengthens nails: Did you know
People sometimes use the leaves And since they can include a range that applying cuticle oil can stimu-
and bark in medicines. They make of potent ingredients, the potential late nail growth? Strong nails start
paper, cloth, and rope from the benefits of these plant-based oils are with healthy cuticles, so keep them
bark fibers. The giant trees also endless. moisturized with a good cuticle oil.
create their own ecosystem. For ex- Baobab seed oil, containing high
ample, it provides food, water, and Pressed from the seeds of the amounts of protein and calcium,
shelter for animals and insects of all baobab tree, yellowish to gold in absorbs quickly and isn’t too heavy,
sizes and provides shade in the hot colour, the baobab seed oil is a lux- making it a great moisturizer for
climates where they grow, serving urious, light-weight (non-greasy and your fingertips and aids in healing
as cool gathering places for animals non-comedogenic), silky smooth, and maintaining strong, healthy
and humans. Baobab trees also nutrient-rich oil with a light nutty nails. Just dab a drop on each cu-
help keep soil conditions humid smell and many health benefits. ticle, massage it in, and enjoy your
and prevent soil erosion. The powerful benefits of baobab beautiful nails!
seed oil have been known by com-
It is a majestic tree that has an munities in Africa for centuries, but 5. Facial oil cleansing: Like many
estimated lifespan of about 3,000 went undiscovered by the rest of the natural oils (tea tree, jojoba, and
years with the oldest baobab record- world until recently. chia seed—to name a few), baobab
ed being the Panke baobab, which seed oil is not only nourishing but
lived for more than 2,500 years. So, what makes baobab seed oil so cleansing as well. Gently massage
The baobab fruit (also known as special? See our 12 reasons below: the oil into damp skin and rinse
monkey fruit or monkey bread — 1. As a facial oil: A good rule of thoroughly with warm water for a
no wonder Rafiki in the Lion King thumb when applying skin care healthy, natural glow.
movie lived in a baobab tree!) is the products is to go from lightest to
only fruit in the world that naturally thickest. So apply your lightest 6. Healing massage: If you need
dries on the branch — a process products first, such as serums or a healing massage, try using the
takes about 6 months. oils, and move your way up to the baobab seed oil. It feels smooth
thickest products, such as moisturiz- on the skin and does not leave any
You could still be asking yourself ers and sunscreen. residue, but keeps the skin mois-
why you’d need to apply baobab turized. Get half a cup of jojoba oil,
oil or any other oil on your face/ 2. Boosts antioxidants: Believe it or three tablespoons of baobab oil and
skin given your skin type, right? not, baobab boasts the highest su- 20 drops of lavender essential oil
Hear me out, sometimes oil can per foods per serving (even surpass- to add a relaxing scent. Store the
actually set you on the path towards ing goji berries and matcha). This, mixture in an amber bottle and use
a gorgeous complexion. Crazy as it along with its ability to fight free when needed.
sounds, plant-based oils can work radicals, makes it a perfect ingredi-
wonders on any number of skin ent for aging skin. 7. Skin nourishing: There are a
care woes, and transform skin from lot of nutrients in the baobab seed
dull to dazzling. 3. Increases collagen: Collagen oil, and they sink into the skin to
makes up a third of the protein in nourish the cells in the skin layer.
You see, if you think of the skin as your body and is what gives skin its These nutrients include the vita-
104 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika