Page 109 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 109

L         I      COMMUNITY

                                                                             LIVING IN FATHER’S EXPRESSION

                                      IS IT TIME FOR

                  PERSONAL RESETS?

                                               Samuel Phillips

              We cannot afford to remain naive after seeing what the

                globalist have done through the Covid-19 pandemic.

                  rom all indications and    there was a global reset coming on   The pandemic story or let me
                  from all that could be     the earth. We wrote an article about   say the "PLANDEMIC" in all its
                  learnt from the way 2020   it which you can read at the link at   falsehood and hidden secrets and
          Fwent and the many other           the end of this article. And true to   agendas became a driven force for
          events that toppled the usual flow   the interpretation of those experi-  many new international and local
          of the world system, the only an-  ences we had and shortly after we   policies, which all point to a very
          swer to the above question can only   declared it in the article, the global   weird agenda for some few who call
          be yes. Why is that? Let me see if I   lockdown due to the pandemic be-  themselves elites or globalists to put
          can explain below.                 gan and since then things have not   the entire humanity and the resourc-
                                             been the same. And to tell you the   es on earth under their control.
          Sometime in February 2020, my      truth, nothing in our pre-pandemic   Naturally, the globalist-owned media
          wife and I had separate spiritual   world will remain the same. You can   houses did their jobs very well to
          experiences that indicated to us that   take that to the bank.        create such hysteria about the

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 10 JAN/FEB 2020  109
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