Page 105 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 105


          mins A, C, D, E and K, and omega   temperature, a practice perfected   tances in search of food and water,
          fatty acids 3, 6 and 9. They help the   by African women who ground the   and a single tree’s seeds can thus
          cells perform optimally and keep   seeds into butter and used it on   be spread out over many miles.
          the skin healthy.                  their hair for hundreds of years.  Ironically, elephants are also known
                                                                                to damage or kill baobab trees in
          8. Eye serum: The baobab seed      Side Effects:                      times of severe drought. Elephants
          oil also does well in keeping the   *It is important to note that the   sometimes rip apart a baobab’s
          under-eye skin looking youthful.   baobab seed oil is not ingestible.   trunk to get at the tree’s bountiful
          Try 3 tablespoons of baobab oil, 3   It is for external use only.  It is   water supply inside.
          drops of lavender essential oil, and   incredibly gentle, and therefore
          2 tablespoons of jojoba oil. Shake   has no known side effects. But if   If no action is taken to protect the
          the mixture well and gently massage   you're just incorporating it into your   baobab and its environment, certain
          a drop or two under each eye with   routine, it's best to start slowly, as   species of the tree could be extinct
          your finger, daily.                with any new product. It is always   within 100 years.
                                             recommended that one tests a small
          9. Anti-inflammation: Because bao-  amount of the oil on the forearm   Lastly, the baobab tree is consid-
          bab seed oil is packed with vitamins   twice a day for seven days before   ered to be a Lost Crop™— an
          B, C, and omega 3s, it can help with   using it more widely.          undervalued wild plant with pow-
          dry, aging, and dull skin. The oil                                    erful health benefits. By including
          form can help soothe mild eczema,   In conclusion, the baobab, one    baobab seed oil in your skincare
          psoriasis, rosacea and/or dandruff   of the world’s most unusual and   ritual, you’re helping bring value to
          as well, because it is moisturizing,   iconic trees which has nine species,   the tree and protect biodiversity.
          but it does not replace medications   is in danger. The gigantic baobab,   Baobab seed oil is a one-ingredi-
          for the conditions. Use it on wet   known as the “tree of life,” can   ent powerhouse, so you can rest
          skin for the best results.         live as long as 3,000 years. But the   assured that you’re not putting any
                                             hardy trees are suddenly dying in   unnecessary chemicals, fillers, or
          10. Chapped lips: A small amount   unusual numbers, many long before   mystery ingredients on your skin.
          of baobab seed oil will restore your   their expected life spans. Climate
          lips to a supple state in a short   change has increased the occur-   A life-inducing gift from the Kenyan
          while.                             rence of such weather anomalies    soil and truly stoic in every aspect of
                                             as droughts, floods, and lightning
          11. Balance skin oil production:   storms, all of which can harm or kill   Alexis is the founder and CEO of  Kakia
          People with low levels of linoleic   baobab trees. A destructive mold   Oils, a community-interest agribusiness
                                                                                that celebrates the versatility, potency of
          acid in their skin produce more oil   called black fungus is also appear-  plant-based oils from the best of  African
          on their skin surface. However, the   ing more frequently on baobab   produce to promote wellness for all.
          omega 6 acid (linoleic acid) con-  trees. The tree is further threatened   The easy-going, adventurous mother of
                                                                                two struggled with eczema into her young
          stituent of baobab seed oil meets   by the loss of its natural habitat   adulthood, which she successfully controlled
          this need and balances the produc-  to agriculture and development.   using botanical oils. When she quit formal
          tion of oil in the skin. You need a   Habitat loss and illegal hunting have   employment, she pursued her passion for
                                                                                plant-based oils entrepreneurially.
          mixture of 2 tablespoons of baobab   also greatly reduced the population   She is Christian, a student of  nature and
          oil and same for hemp seed oil and   of African elephants, the animals   a seasoned Social Development Specialist.
          store in a 60ml — amber dropper    largely responsible for spreading
          bottle. A couple of drops daily on   the tree’s seeds.
          your face is advised.
                                             African elephants, who are them-
          12. Hair care: Other than just being   selves in danger, help propagate
          a fun word to say out loud, bao-   baobabs by eating the tree’s fruit
          bab seed oil is intensely hydrating,   and seeds (antelopes, baboons, and
          which makes it an excellent choice   other animals also contribute). The
          for hair care. As the natural oil   seeds pass through the animals’
          hydrates, it also protects from heat   digestive systems, and they are then
          and environmental aggressors like   dropped in ready-made fertilizer.
          pollution, sun, wind, and extreme   Elephants tend to walk great dis-

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