Page 108 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 108

COMMUNITY                                                                            COMMUNITY


          Otieno Waryaro

                         here does the       actions by oneself.                to share his or her existence
                         behavior of         The second part of the human       with anyone else and is heavily
                         colonialism         brain that we have is for survival   reliant on the amygdala brain.
          Wcome from? The                    and is called the amygdala, this   Ancient Afrikan kings were
          answer lies in 3 disciplines, ecol-  part of the brain is commonly    raised in this manner and many
          ogy, psychology and neurology,     referred to as the reptile brain, it   ended up violently attacking
          which should not even be sepa-     has a simple binary logic and is   their daughters by incest, in an
          rated in their understanding.      about animal instinctive surviv-   attempt to live forever on earth,
                                             al, which is to feed, fight, escape,   which was a belief that a father’s
          Beginning with ecology, what       procreate and evade fear.          consciousness can be reborn in
          we see is a principle of resource                                     his daughter. The result of years
          competition and resource over-     Humans are not meant to rely       of incest created a new race of
          lapping between 2 different spe-   on this brain to live in society,   humans called the white race,
          cies, where a species is defined   it is only useful for extreme      unable to access their human
          by the type of brain it has and    situations that require quick      cortex and genetically tied to
          what it senses about itself. This   thoughtless decisions of surviv-  their amygdala brain as a social
          takes us to neurology where the    al. However, in many through-      mechanism.
          human has 2 parts of the human     out time, some human children
          brain that he or she relies on for   have been raised as entitled     This is where the instinct to
          survival and to thrive in exis-    children who are pampered and      colonize and to enslave Afri-
          tence. The dominant part of the    kept away from taking respon-      kans comes from. It is a form of
          human brain that concludes hu-     sibility for their actions or have   resource overlap, a competition
          man consciousness is the cortex,   been violently traumatized,        for resources between a violent
          which allows a person to think     both these behaviors towards       human like species and the Af-
          before acting, to premeditate      children cause the child to refer   rikan species of human. Today,
          action and to enable someone       to his or her amygdale survival    we all live under the force of the
          to respect others and oneself by   brain and as a result, an adult    amygdale brain logic and are
          self reflection. This then leads   with no human cortex sensi-        even educated into living by it,
          to psychology and the ability to   tivity emerges. Such an adult      which is referred to as a trauma
          think of one’s own thoughts and    becomes a psychopath, unable       bond in psychology.

          108       |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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