Page 99 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 99
to get in contact with the beings
of nature, the Simbis who have
made this world of stones, air, soil,
trees, and animals. They were able
to show a wise person that in this
disequilibrium situation/sickness if
you take this tree and mix it with
such a tree and you dry it off and
you place it in a dark place and give
the person to drink it 3 times a day,
you will see that the sickness will
end. They would explain to him the
curing process and also explain to
him why they have given him that
particular recipe, so that principle
can cure//help the person.
Ladies and gentlemen, dear men
and women of goodwill. This
medicine that we call “organic
medicine” the west did not want
These beings of nature stay in the body can demand or show a need it, this medicine helped Africa for
forest, underwater, in the air and for healing or treatment. It should thousands of years. Our ancestors
also below the earth. Our ancestors eat properly, and indulge in things in Egypt & Ethiopia reigned with
knew this. They also knew that a that will reinforce the way that it this medicine for 13,000 years
human is a spirit that came into the needs to be functioning. That's why during the golden age. It helped the
body of an animal. That this animal our ancestors knew that instead of world for thousands of years if the
body came from the evolving earth, killing rats to know how to treat world continues to exist till today it
stones, and trees, up to the point the body, they instead needed to is because your African ancestors
where it gave the earthly body. The ask the beings that created it. The knew this medicine.
body of the animal is a product of creatures that created it that live in My mothers, fathers and children
evolution. It is well explained in the the forest, underwater, in the air, of Africa, let me surprise you!
bible, but in an initiation language and in the stones. They will get in This medicine did not have any
and metaphor for only the wise to contact with them, they are the ones secondary effects. This medicine
understand. Genesis 1:11 Then that made them wear the body, in the principle of its functioning
God said, "Let the land produce and it is their specialty. That is why is not an antibiotic but is built up
vegetation, Genesis 1:12 the land during the time of our ancestors of organic principles that come to
produced vegetation: plants bearing when an epidemic or new sickness reinforce your natural strength and
seed according to their kinds and arose, their Nganga or spiritual humanitarian system. The strength
trees, Genesis 1:24 And God said, doctors, in other words, their wise of the body increases when a
"Let the land produce living crea- men that they used to call back in person is taking the Kongo Kololo
tures according to their kinds. So, a the days in Kikongo language of (a very common organic medicine
human entered into this body that Kongo: “the-Ndoki”. The transla- in Kongo). Also, our ancestors
has 5 senses, so that he can be able tion of the name Ndoki today after were eating foods that were creating
to do his/her experience on earth. western mental slavery is taken to positive outcomes in their body,
Genesis 2:27 He breathed the mean a “sorcerer/witch doctor. healthy food. It is sad my mothers,
breath of life into the man’s nos- But that is not the real ancestral fathers, sisters and brothers, the
trils, and the man became a living root of the name. A Sorcerer in western food we are eating is not all
person. Kikongo means Kadiapemba (a good for our bodies. We consume
person with an evil heart). But genetically modified food just so
Ladies and gentlemen! That body “Ndoki or Ndoka” translated to that one CEO somewhere and the
can have problems that body at Kitetela (another local language of Board of directors can put money
times may not function well. That Kongo) is a wise person that is able in their pockets.