Page 98 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 98
doctor prescribes to you. I weigh by group, and this is really a struggle medicine of the west, a person is
words when I say that the medicines inside the western pharmaceutical an animal and is functioning as an
that we consume in Europe are industries. animal. So then if we know how
drugs. Those drugs are processes This is the science that is taught the animal functions, we can be
of chemicals that they use to make to most of our doctors today, and able to help. However, in African
molecules to resolve a problem in- most medical universities are of this cosmology, a person is not an
side the body. Those molecules will science that we call rationalization animal but wears an animal. He did
be tested on rats, they will be tested in the medical world. This means to not literally wear an animal, if we
on other living things apart from hu- return to equilibrium, the medical go in deep precision; he wore the
mans, so they can be sure that they specialists are prescribing substanc- body of an animal. The human is a
are responding well. If someone es of drugs to patients that can go spirit that came from the Father in
has the sickness of sleep, they will and kill the disequilibrium at the Heaven and is born inside the body
create a molecular drug and place level of the cells or other areas of of an animal so that he lives out his
it in a rat to see if the rat is reacting the body so that a person can return experience of life on earth. Genesis
well. They will check if the rat had to equilibrium. If we cannot return 2:7 “Then the LORD God formed
sleep, but it no longer has sleep him/her to equilibrium in that case, a man from the dust of the ground
after giving it that sickness in an we can go forward with the inter- and breathed into his nostrils the
artificial manner. If it no longer has vention of surgery on the person so breath of life, and the man became
sleep, they will check to see if there that we can remove/repair/replace a living being.” Therefore, if a per-
is still equilibrium inside the blood the cause of disequilibrium in the son wears the body of an animal,
of the rat. body. it means then that the animal body
was made/created. And who exactly
Now see this, when they create Those medicines, those drugs made that body? Here I am telling
trial samples of the drug to test on of the west have caused a lot of you the concept of African cosmol-
wide groups of people represented problems. It works for a certain ogy.
in different categories of age, race period of time and the body adapts
and society, to be able to see if the and produces some resistance The ones that made that body are
injection of that product has no fatal but you will see that it will destroy the invisible servants of God that
effects. They will ask those people other functions of other organs; it exist inside the world; the Kongo
to be volunteers and respond to gives you hepatic disease or hepatic ancestors called them the “Simbiya
different questionnaires in regard disequilibrium of all sorts. And that Kisemi”. The “genius creators” the
to the test. And if the test results is how the medicine in the west is Ngala’s tribe in Kongo call them
are positive, later they will come functioning, the medicine that Afri- “Elima” and several tribes and
to massively produce the drug and can people are applauding believing cultures call them according to their
give permission to hospital doctors they have found the solution for roots. In Europe when they still
to prescribe those drugs to many their diseases and sicknesses. had the concept of the Godship of
people around the globe. Africa, they called them the “beings
Ladies and gentlemen let me speak of nature” the essentials, because
Mainly this drug will remove the to you on African medicine, it has they knew it. They knew that inside
clinical symptoms and this means already died. We have not financed this world, we have vegetation reign,
that if someone struggled with stay- it, we have not given it the chance to mineral reign and we also have ani-
ing awake, there is no more sleep. evolve, but we all entered and threw mal reign. So, whether it is trees or
However, sadly ladies and gentle- ourselves ignorantly like small chil- stones, everything inside the world
men, for the most part, these drugs dren into the medicine of the west. was made. It did not spontaneous-
also bring a lot of secondary effects. ly come about occurring without
The chemistry inside the body of a How did Africa treat diseases/ apparent external cause or interven-
person reacts depending on the re- sickness before the encounter with tion. There were Simbi/essential
cipient (e.g. one of the volunteers of the western world? Before I tell beings of nature great servants of
the covid-19 vaccines who was paid you how first I should tell you how God the creator, the engineers of
$1,000 to try the drug, collapsed a Africa saw a human being. this creation that created this world
few minutes after taking the drug), starting from the soil, to stones, to
or if a woman is pregnant or is not Why should I tell you first how organic reign, to vegetation, it was
pregnant, persons of a certain blood Africa used to see a person? In the them that created it.
98 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika