Page 90 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
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RNA molecules.” which are being carried out by gov- that any vaccine has been produced
ernments around the world. was 4 years because of safety issues.
The CD paper does not even define It further turns out that the CD The truth is that the efficacy results
what a positive or negative test paper was not peer-reviewed and from the vaccine trials will radically
result is, but does suggest that “45 that two of its authors, Christian shift in light of real-world numbers
PCR cycles” are to be performed. Drosten and Chantal Reusken were from the glorious 95% effectiveness
While a PCR test can have up to 60 part of the Eurosurveillance edito- they announced, to something much
cycles of amplification, both Dr. rial board. Two other authors were lower. The truth is that no one
Sacré and the ICSLS point out that the CEO and scientific advisor at knows what the long-term side ef-
PCR test data from a cycle value of TIB-Molbiol, a PCR test producing fects of these vaccines will be. The
35 or more is “completely unreli- company. Further, Public Health truth is that the vaccine manufactur-
able.” “Only non-infectious (dead) England and all EU public health ers have been indemnified against
viruses are detected with [cycle] authorities have co-authored the CD any claims of adverse reactions. The
values of 35,” the group adds, as paper. Can anyone say, “Conflict of truth is that the vaccines admittedly
even above 30 cycles there is “a grey interest?” do not prevent infections and may
area”, where a positive result cannot even cause the vaccinated to become
be trusted. The ICSLS paper concludes, spreaders. The truth is that serious
“In light of our re-examination side effects are being reported or
After the amplification process is of the test protocol to identify experienced. The truth is that Aus-
complete, “biomolecular validation” SARS-CoV-2 described in the tralians abandoned their own trials
is “essential” to determine the pres- Corman-Drosten paper we have when reports of ‘false positive’ HIV
ence of COVID-19, since “ampli- identified concerning errors and results were found during their trials.
fied PCR products can be anything.” inherent fallacies which render the The truth is that Afrika has been
But the CD paper’s protocol does SARS-CoV-2 PCR test useless.” earmarked for an entirely different
not do so, and the ICSLS conse- When you smell a dead rat vaccine from that which is being
quently calls any PCR test developed All these dominos: the global threat pushed on ‘developed’ nations. The
on such a basis “useless as a specific of a deadly pandemic, PCR tests, truth is that positive PCR test results
diagnostic tool to identify the SARS- quarantines, social distancing, work are not proof positive of a person
CoV-2 virus.” from home, contact tracing, digitiza- even having Covid-19. The truth is
Based on all these errors, and even tion, vaccinations and so on are be- that the test itself is problematic,
drawn from text in the CD paper ing arranged to spell out The Great but the world – in typical fashion- is
itself, the ICSLS warns that it is Reset. These dominos balance, so busy rushing towards the most
“inevitable” that “the PCR test precariously, on claims that have not complicated solution that it can find,
described in the Corman-Drosten been fully validated and are likely to that it is not stopping to robustly
paper generates false positives.” This come tumbling down when the right question and investigate the issues
is echoed by Dr Sacré, who wrote domino is knocked over by the truth around the so-called pandemic. The
that the chief limitation of PCR revealed. truth is that Covid-19 is survivable.
tests is the “extreme sensitivity (false The truth is that The Great Reset is
positive) if a suitable threshold of The truth is that Covid-19 is an based on a false precept but most
positivity (Ct) is not chosen.”” unfolding situation that is not set in people are so convinced they are
stone. Scientists can’t claim to have going to die that they will not do
Swiss Policy Research has found that a perfect handle on things. Recent the work to find out for themselves
a positive PCR test run at 35 cycles announcements of mutations of the what is really going on – even when
or more, as is common in Europe virus in the UK prove just as much. they smell a rat. Therefore, they will
and the U.S., has a 97% chance of The world is trying to hit a mov- calmly sign over their freedom and
being a false positive.” This is some- ing target and trying to build on a their rights to a centralized control
thing that even Dr Fauci acknowl- foundation of a whisper of smoke. system that has a definite and fixed
edges, i.e. the high possibility of The truth is that the vaccines them- agenda in mind to shape the world
false positives being generated and selves are experimental, have been into.
the ‘oversensitivity’ of the PCR test. created in a big rush and in the case
And one has to wonder whether all of Moderna, by companies with no (Sources:, eurosurveillance.
those false positives are added to or experience in this field when even org,, cormandro-
subtracted from the overall counts the Merck CEO says that the fastest
90 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika