Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 88


          be digitalized. So how can we use   see in the world around you to their   a vaccine at ‘warp speed’ around
          technologies to address the challeng-  efforts and influence. Now, they   the world, vaccine trials, indemnity
          es, but at the same time make sure   are orchestrating a reset to ‘build   for vaccine manufacturers, vaccine
          that we create the necessary ethical   back better’, with the backing of the   roll-out, reactions to vaccines etc. In
          human-oriented principles around   likes of HRH Prince Charles, Big   the background were the resultant
          those technologies?                Business (tech, pharma, aviation…   effects: draconian laws and policies
                                             you name it), Academia, Media and   created and enforced with needless
          Then, finally what is the role of   governments around the world… to   brutality, small and large businesses
          companies in this new post-Covid   create a new normal for the entire   shutting down, economic stimulus
          era? I think we are moving from    world. This proposed reset includes   packages, theft of Covid donations,
          short-term to long-term, from      increased global cooperation, greater   corruption in the procurement of
          shareholder capitalism to stake-   deployment of AI, and urges shifts   protective equipment, increased
          holder capitalism. The Covid crisis   away from fossil fuel use (so for   pressure in family situations, work
          has shown that companies who       every Afrikan country that depends   from home, increased online and
          invest into their vitality, instead of   or plans to depend on oil for future   digital use, people in need of med-
          prioritizing short-term profits, have   wealth, be advised). The effects of   ical attention other than for Covid
          performed much better and that’s   their decisions are and will great-  suddenly not receiving or going for
          what the stakeholders will expect in   ly continue to impact you, your   care or care in the way it was need-
          the future.                        spouse, your children, your siblings,   ed. Panic, fear, the push for reopen-
          And I should add, at last, the need   your friends now and in the future.   ing, claims that reopening was only
          for much stronger global cooper-   No more ‘good old world’… but to   contingent upon vaccination… and
          ation. Covid has shown us that we   what end?                         the new catchphrase we heard every-
          are globally interdependent and I   Don’t tell me you cannot, from this,   where we turned: “the new normal”.
          think it’s a wake-up call to walk in   see the catalyzing of a one-world   Meanwhile, anyone who had a
          the future together to address all the   government, economy and society   solution or a suggestion that did
          consequences and to create a reset   (including social norms) that is   not fit into the narrative of panic,
          in our economic, social, ecological   policed by an intrusive AI infra-  fear, death and an inevitable vaccine
          thinking.”                         structure.                         was squashed, censored, vilified,
                                                                                mocked, treated as the most dan-
          On the role of government in The   The Great Covid Ruse               gerous thing since a nuclear fallout
          Great Reset, Schwab had this to say:  The entire Great Reset pivots on   and silenced, sidelined or sabotaged.
          “It’s necessary to have a very open   a single idea: a global Covid-19   Many doctors came forward speak-
          approach. This cannot be a response   pandemic.                       ing about alternative remedies such
          of elites to concerns of the great   The Perfect Storm Obfuscation    as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ),
          public. I think we are at a rapture   I invite you to cast your mind back   which they said can also be used
          point (where) we have to make sure   to the early days of the Covid-19   as a treatment and a prophylaxis,
          that we have a comprehensive all-in-  ‘outbreak’ and think through the   Vitamin C, Vitamin D, diet and
          clusive approach otherwise we will   way that it unrolled. Event 201 in   nutrition, Madagascar coming out
          just be confronted with a climate of   2019, rumors of something happen-  with a cost-effective remedy which
          social unrest and possibly revolts on   ing in Wuhan, China in 2019, the   used Artemisia Annua, Dr. Magufuli
          the streets or revolts from the next   announcement of a novel corona   of Tanzania proved that there was a
          generation.”                       virus as the causative agent - then   problem with the testing process as
          What you have here is a very well-  called 2019-nCov - by the Chi-    have others since, medical profes-
          oiled machine that financially and   nese at the start of 2020, WHO   sionals spoke of using the age-old
          in terms of people resources not   announcing a pandemic in March     tried and proven process of steam-
          just at the WEF but also through   2020, countries closing borders,   ing with either eucalyptus oil or a
          their networks and partnerships    social distancing, sanitizing and   mix of ginger, garlic, lemon/lime,
          has every tool at its disposal to   mask-wearing, quarantines, PCR    onion as a way to boost immunity,
          carefully maneuver the entire world   testing, daily announcements on   Tanzania even built steam booths
          in a very specific direction. If they   media, numbers of deaths being an-  for their people to use, others wrote
          truly have been involved in shap-  nounced, finger-pointing, celebrities   books and advised government
          ing history thus far, then you can   and politicians contracting Covid,   officers about the benefits of using
          easily attribute much of what you   nationwide lockdowns, the push for   natural, organic food as a means

          88      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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