Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 83
Investments into micro-systems to human resources for, but not limited to (a) the aforementioned human re-
do the following should be consid- sponsibilities, (b) optimization of the systems, and (c) training new workers.
• Moderate/prevent flow of elec- It would be beneficial for the personnel to be adequately trained in the imple-
tricity in specified direction. mentation of a sustainable energy sector. In 2019, Nigeria reported a total of
• Moderate sourcing of electricity 11 power grid collapses.* That is 1 collapse every 4.72 weeks. An unaccept-
designed sources. able number that can be avoided by (a) sourcing and installation of optimal
• Monitoring system for main- components, (b) diligent monitoring and maintenance, and (c) prudent
tenance, optimization, and operation with integrity. Without consistent auditing, the continuation of $29
rectification measures. billion USD* annual cost will continue.
• Metering for crediting clean
energy usage. Education
These technologies should be imple- Education is important for sustainability; hence it must be structured into
mented at these levels: Nigeria. A recent political debate revealed Nigerians in the U.S.A. hold more
• Transmission-Distribution Bachelor’s degrees than any other nationality in that country at 59% of U.S.
Interface adults. Surpassing U.S. (33%), S. Korea (56%), China (51%), U.K. (50%),
• Local Distribution Stations and Germany (38%). These stats* go to show the intelligence of Nigerians,
• Consumer Pool especially in the hence educating Nigerians in the development and operation of energy-mix
case of heightened consump- systems, although it will be challenging, is possible and necessary.
Furthermore, these technologies, The three main educational needs are:
developed in Nigeria, will pro- • Education of the Populace – Adoption by Demonstration: Introducing
vide Nigeria an economic boost a new system is bound to bring resistance. And in a society not overly
by bringing manufacturing to the privy to new technology in this arena, education of the populace must
country, and positioning Nigeria in be systemic and adopt a growth methodology rather than an explosive
the global technology and manufac- integration.
turing industry. • Education of the Operators – Compensation and Consequences: Sus-
Now we discuss what is arguably the tainability of a system largely rests in the operator’s hands. These range
most important part of our venture: from those who develop the system(s), through to the data analyst. The
sustainability. The goal is and must energy sector is arguably the largest sector in Nigeria; hence it is imper-
be the indefinite and successful con- ative that consequences for negligence and compensations for operation
tinuation of a socio-economically with integrity be enforced. History has shown the socio-economic and
beneficial energy sector. It is by this political benefits gained by those who lead people with integrity. Prior to
that the necessary manufacturing a global transition, there must be a national elevation.
sector can thrive. • Education for the Future – Into the Curriculums: A main goal of sus-
tainability is longevity, which requires optimization. Furthermore, a main
SUSTAINABILITY goal of this topic is the socio-economic benefit to Nigerians. Hence, it is
Steps must be taken to ensure sus- on us to educate ourselves to take care of ourselves. This will require the
tainability and its goal as described reprogramming of the educational curriculum and system. A necessity
above is ensured. Consideration for thinking for the future.
must be given to human resources
and education. WHAT’S NEXT?
Leo Tolstoy concisely illustrated; patience and time are the two most pow-
Human Resources erful warriors. These two coupled with a collaborative sustainable vision of
Machines thankfully will never society, can in fact reveal a Nigeria with both a more profitable energy sector
have complete independent opera- (think manufacturing), and a much needed and deserved better standard of
tions from humans, as humans are living. Financial expenditures audited under the banner, in actions and words,
responsible for (a) designing the reading, ‘Rule of Law’, installing and operating the described power systems
systems, (b) installing the systems, can prove, by means of providing jobs, inspiring intelligent conversations and
(c) high level monitoring of the sys- pursuit of better, can lead to a much developed socio-economic environment
tems, and (d) intricate maintenance for Nigeria, and Africa as a whole.
of the systems. Integration of clean
energy systems require additional