Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 79


          it searchable, analyzable and mon-  sites, government portals, education   things in life such as spending huge
          etizeable by themselves and any    platforms and on and on and on.    sums of money to develop harmful
          other willing takers. Information.   The truth is, your control is gov-  GMO crops to withstand deadly
          The most valuable resource of our   erned by the myriad clauses and   poisonous chemicals – instead of
          day. It can tell you who people are,   convoluted statements in those   finding natural ways to help insects
          where they are, where they spend   annoying Terms and Conditions and   get their nutrition elsewhere and
          their time and money, how they     policies that you click assent to with-  protect food crops using means that
          think, whether they are responding   out paying much attention to. Which   do not cause chronic illnesses like
          to news stories and other external   get updated periodically based on   cancer. Like spending huge amounts
          influences and in what ways they   changing trends, legal issues or   of money creating golden rice in
          are doing so. It can tell you who   specific agendas that are facing the   a lab so as to introduce carotenes
          their friends are, who is in their   tech world or that the tech world is   into a diet, instead of just planting
          inner circles and who is not. Except   trying to force on you daily. You are   pumpkin and carrots. This disas-
          for those who have learnt how to   not in control. And in 2700 agoniz-  trous trend in poor thinking – even
          carefully navigate this realm, it can   ing seconds, over 7 billion people   while heavily papered with multi-
          be used to anticipate future choices   were given a much-needed reminder   ple university degrees – causes the
          and behavior in unsettling ways and   of this through Google’s temporary   world to tend towards activities and
          be used to manipulate and influence   demise.                         behaviors that are more detrimental
          decision making quite effectively.                                    than they are a blessing or healing.
          Consider this: Just like every other   Ever think what would happen if   And Afrikans and their govern-
          thing that you do online, every    this became permanent? If suddenly   ments have blindly danced to the
          response to the 45-minute down-    Google and other services like it   tune of the world’s self-deception,
          time is being recorded, tallied and   vanished from cyberspace taking all   foolishly embracing trends and tech-
          analyzed and added to a massive    your valuable data with them. Are   nologies that are now killing her.
          database on human behavior in this   you prepared for such a situation?
          worrisome digital age that the world   Or what if, like has been foretold,   Convenience, speed, efficiency,
          has embraced so blindly; including   the entire internet is switched off   cost-effectiveness and profit are the
          the contents of this article. Accord-  for one hour and then switched   altars at which the world has sacri-
          ing to Quora, 2006 figures show that   back on and the requirement for   ficed its freedom and while people
          “the Google search crawler handles   you to access your accounts again is   move about with an illusion that
          850 TB of data raw from the web,   to do something that you ordinarily   they have liberty, in truth the world
          while Google Analytics uses 220.   wouldn’t do? What if all your linked   around them is closing in to cut off
          Google Earth uses 70.5 TB for both   government networks were shut    every possible angle of free will and
          its map imagery and index data...”   down suddenly and then restarted   choice that it can. Between big tech
          The author says that this is closely   with new conditions required of   censorship, big media censorship
          guarded information. One can only   you to access them, like signing over   and the propaganda that the two
          imagine what the behemoth has      your land, or force vaccinating your   entities support in either govern-
          managed to do in the 14 years since.   child? What if these internet ser-  ment or private sector sponsored
          And that’s just Google. Every online   vices are switched off and switched   moves or both – you’re running
          service that one gives their data to,   on again carrying within them some   out of space to live in, but you may
          paid or free, secure or not, does its   hidden bots and code that are detri-  not be aware of it yet. That’s why
          own storage and analytics for its   mental to you? Gathering even more   December 14th 2020 was such an
          own purposes and you have to know   data on your life than they previ-  important day. It came as a slap in
          how easy it is for an administrator in   ously did – and there is nothing you   the face to wake the world up out
          Google, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat,   can do about it? Like the man who   of its crazy tech-infused stupor and
          Whatsapp, Telegram, LinkedIn,      sat in the dark in his toddler’s room,   bring it back to its senses; kind of
          YouTube, TikTok, you name it…      rethinking many things, are you will-  like suddenly waking up and real-
          to flip a switch and disable your   ing to contemplate such a possibility   izing that your house is on fire and
          account, and instantly cut off your   and its effects on your life and your   you have but moments to escape.
          access to Giga or Terabytes of your   family? Do you like what you see?
          most valuable data and connections
          to whatever you have integrated    This world is classically notorious
          your accounts with. Including job   for over-complicating the simplest

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