Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 76
Njeri is an authentic, courageous just want to do the least that they was told that he needed to love his
and trustworthy Leadership Curator can to get by? This may be in neighbor as himself. This man had
i.e. Coach, Teacher & Speaker. She school, at the workplace, and even apparently not been doing this be-
cause he tried “to justify himself” by
in your spiritual life.
takes Leaders on a coaching jour- asking, “And who is my neighbor?”
ney of rediscovering themselves and There was a rich young ruler who I mean, you and I know that your
as a result they get clarity on their with every question, was looking to neighbor is the person next to you
establish the minimum requirement
or in close proximity to you. The
Purpose and are Transformed from that would lead to eternal life. He lawyer was trying to find a loophole
Leaders into Agents of Change. asked Jesus, “Teacher, what good that would allow him to not show thing shall I do that I may obtain love to everyone he came across.
eternal life?” When Jesus told him
to “keep the commandments,” he Instead of using “love” as a justi-
immediately asked, “Which ones?” fication for fornication, we should
When Jesus listed a few of them, he honor marriage. “Marriage is to be
said, “All these things I have kept; held in honor among all, and the
what am I still lacking?” Finally, marriage bed is to be undefiled; for
Jesus said, “If you wish to be com- fornicators and adulterers God will
plete, go and sell your possessions judge”
and give to the poor, and you will
have treasure in heaven; and come, Remaining Static
follow Me.” This caused him to turn Have you become content and con-
away. fident in your current condition and
fail to grow? We are all expected to
He was focused on doing the mini- grow. We cannot remain in the same
mum and thus his interest remained. condition over time and expect to
However, when he learned that achieve anything. If you struggle
there was no “minimum” – that he with a certain temptation, you need
had to be willing to give up what he to make certain changes in your life
improving and even on giving their loved and give his life over to Jesus to eliminate the said temptation.
best. They just plow through the day completely, he left. Are you willing
doing what needs to be done but to do what it takes and pay the price Seeking Questions, Not Answers
without much interest and with no to achieve your dreams? Then stop Have you become comfortable or
intention of going above and be- looking to do the bare minimum. think that maturity is measured
yond. Doing just the bare minimum by questions, rather than answers?
and not giving your best is a strong Looking for Loopholes
indicator, but what really seals the Do you find yourself looking for ex- Many believe that imagining ques-
tions for which there is no answer
deal of your mediocrity is when you cuses to justify certain sins, immoral is an indicator of maturity. As we
don’t give your best and you don’t acts, omissions, not taking action grow in understanding, we should
mind. It just doesn’t bother you. that may cause conflict, etc? Do you be ready to “give an answer” , rather
If you find yourself in any of the look for “loopholes” that will allow
categories below, you need to find you to do what you want to do? For than propose an unending number
of questions that cannot be an-
out why you have chosen this path instance, the world today has nor- swered with certainty. It is good for
for your life. Remember medioc- malized fornication and states that us to dig deeper and deeper into the
rity never got anyone anywhere. if a couple is in love, it is fine for truth as we grow, but we must also
You want to do great exploits but them to commit fornication. Is this
what are you doing today to ensure the truth though? “refuse foolish and ignorant specu-
lations, knowing that they produce
that you are not ordinary, you are quarrels”.
different, you are a man or woman This was the attitude of the lawyer
of faith? who tested Jesus. His question was Timidity
similar to the one asked by the rich
Doing the Minimum young ruler “Teacher, what shall The last way in which we must not
Are you one of those people who I do to inherit eternal life?” He be mediocre is in timidity. Timid-
76 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika