Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 81


         *This article has been edited from the original
         research paper by the author of the original re-
         search paper, for the purpose of placement in                          CO2 Attendance and Economics
         this magazine. The original research paper along                       First let us curb the CO2 emissions
         with references are available upon request.                            problem, and we will tackle this
                                                                                by implementing carbon capturing
                                                                                techniques that are the easiest to
         John Igbokoyi is a 4th year engineering student                        integrate. Of the three main com-
         at the University of  Victoria in Canada, where   There are two problems of a tech-  bustion processes (pre-, post-, and
                                             nical nature to tackle here: adequate
         he  is  majoring in electrical  engineering,  and                      oxy-fuel combustion), post-combus-
                                             electricity provision, and CO2 emis-
         minoring in mechanical systems, backed up by   sions reduction. I propose that these   tion would be the easiest to tackle
         courses to strengthen his business acumen. He is   two problems are easily resolved,   first. Methods such as MOF (metal
                                                                                organic framework) – designed
                                             were the political issues handled.
         involved in the stock market, as well as projects                      nano-sponges (these are organic-in-
                                             Here are a few sub-issues at hand:
          in the aerospace industry, and energy sector.    •   The Nigerian electrical system is   organic hybrid crystalline porous
         He has  spent time studying  and  understand-  in need of a deep dive renova-  materials consisting of a regular
                                                                                array of positively charged metal
         ing applicable knowledge necessary for the sus-  tion.                 ions surrounded by organic 'linker'
                                             •   Renewable energy is decades
         tainable development of  the infrastructure and                        molecules) would be a suggestion.
                                                away from becoming a sole
         economy of  a society,  for progress  and most   source of energy.     Another method is passing the flue
         importantly socio-economic benefits. He believes   •   Able Nigerians are fleeing the   through a liquid amine compound
                                                                                that absorbs most of the CO2; at
                                                country to perceived greener
         that one must at all costs pursue that which they                      exhaust carbon capture should be
         believe they are destined to do; with dedication,   •   The understanding of the ne-  investigated.
         focus, and commitment, and the relentless pur-  cessity of an organized collab-  On the backend of this process

          suit of  all that is good, anything is possible.  oration is either missing or not   lies the economic benefit of the
                                              captured carbon for uses in fire
                                             •   Over-congestion leading to air
                                                pollution of the major Nigerian   extinguishers, carbonation of soft
                                                                                drinks, refrigerant/coolants, fro-
                                                cities has proven detrimental for   zen food manufacture for decay
                                                human living, and mental health.   prevention, urea production for
                                                Yes, there is a strong correlation   fertilizers, and medical grade carbon
                                                between a clean environment
                                                and a sound mental health.      for preservation of artificial organs
                                                                                and in cryosurgery. Yes, this will be
                                                                                an expensive venture, but consider-
                                             DEVELOPMENT                        ing the 2019 $448.12 billion USD
                                             Clean energy is a term used to de-  GDP as recorded by the World
                                             note energy from renewable energy
                                             sources that omit little to no CO2,   Bank, and according to the DMO
                                                                                (Debt Management Office) a total
                                             ranging from solar, hydro, wind,   debt (external and internal) of $79.5
                                             ocean, hydrogen, geothermal, to    billion USD as of March 31, 2020, a
                                             biomass. As early as 2001, solar has   ten year project timeframe will put a
                                             been a topic of discussion as seen
                                             between then Jigawa State Governor   profitable dent in our coffers.
          and GDP per Capita grew by 100%,                                      By effectively reducing CO2 emis-
          145%, 218%, 952%, and 425%         Ibrahim Siminu Turaki, and SELF    sions at the second largest source,
          respectively.* Same criteria measured   (Solar Energy Light Fund Execu-  we can make headway towards
                                             tive) director Robert Freling. Nigeria
          for USA and Mexico respective-     would benefit greatly from solar   reducing it at the largest source:
          ly: USA (26, 42, 5, 194, 132), and   energy and wind energy due to its   automobiles. However, this discus-
          Mexico (43, 163, 69, 403, 251).* The                                  sion is not meant to discuss electric
          media paints a picture of poverty,   strategic location. A careful analysis   vehicles, but I will suggest an idea
          but the real issue is strategic mis-  of the map of Africa will reveal   or two that can be picked up about
                                             only 12 of the 55 countries do not
          management, and a missing manu-    border the ocean.                  that. And I propose that Nigeria is
          facturing sector.                                                     beyond capable of dominating the

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 10 JAN/FEB 2020    81
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