Page 111 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 111


          9. Cassava– dicotyledonous rotation root crop

          Spacing                       Rows                                 75cm
                                        In Furrow                        120cm
          Furrow depth                  10cm  organic                 5cm
          Fertilisation                 350ml Organic      12ml Inorganic NPK
          Plant cutting on upslope of    20 cm long with 5.8 nodes and 1.5-
          teren rope                    3.5 cm thick
          Planting depth                 Push 2/3rds  or 13 cm deep

          Yield                          20 tonnes per hectare
          Cassava can be grown effectively on flat ground. Cut the plants that are ready for harvesting, leaving a base of 40 cm
          behind as a pullout handle. The roots must be harvested within 2 days after taking cuttings. Select cuttings from disease
          free plants, using only the mid portion of the parent plant not the base or top leafy sections. Store the cuttings in the
          shade standing upright, preferably transplanting every day but never store for more than 5 days. Plant stakes vertically
          with the correct orientation, so that the topside is on top. If using inorganic fertilizer, prevent burning of the cuttings by
          placing 12 ml of balanced NPK in a small punched hole, 10 cm on upslope side of the cutting, 5 cm deep. High blanket
          coverage helps to keep the soil moist and crumbly for easy uprooting at harvest time. Cassava is a very drought resistant
          crop and produces a high starch root which has been the survival mechanism crop for many poor communities.

          10. Sweet Potato – dicotyledonous rotation root crop

           Spacing                       Rows                                 75cm
                                         In Furrow                        30cm
           Furrow depth                  15cm  organic     Inorganic  12cm
           Fertilisation per meter       500ml Compost    12ml Inorganic NPK
           PSeed rate per hectare        30cm long, flat for 20cm and then
                                         last leaves out the ground
           Planting depth                10cm deep
           Top dress                     None
           Yield                         12 tonnes per hectare

          30 cm long cuttings should ideally be kept moist in a cool, shady place for 3 days to stimulate root growth before trans-
          planting. The cuttings should come from parent plants that are about 3 months old and disease free. Sweet potato has
          a high nutritional value and should become one of the staples grown by all farming families, even if it is only for home

          God has shown us the importance of diversity in His creation and we should be following closely what we see our
          Father doing in all areas of farming. It is however vitally important, to consider that it is better start on a journey of
          faithfulness with the small things, before embarking on these slightly more advanced technologies. The first step is to en-
          courage 3 part rotational cropping and then build on that to incorporate relays and thereafter green manure cover crops.

          This article marks the end of our Farming Gods way series. I believe with the information in the articles a farmer is well
          instructed and equipped to start the journey of farming in faith and in the simplicity of genius that is God’s way.

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  111
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