Page 108 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 108


              GREEN HANDS

          Guidelines For growing Alternative crops

          Nicholas Munyororo

               n this article, we shall continue   or sudden disease affecting one of   grow and are an excellent rotational
               from where we left off in our   the crops. We shall give guidelines   crop. They have a complete protein
               previous article in which we   on how to grow these crops which   composition and are an excellent
          Isaw how biodiversity on our       can be planted as rotational crops,   substitute for meat and eggs in the
          farms through crop rotation can    green manure cover crops or as relay   diet. For best results with soy beans
          improve the soil, break disease and   crops.                          in Africa, you should inoculate them
          pest cycles while providing proteins                                  with Rhizobium bacteria and plant
          and vitamins for the family and    Soy beans – Dicotyledonous         the seed within 6 hours to have the
          also help spread financial risk over   Rotation Crop                  optimal nitrogen fixing effect. Spac-
          more crops in case of reduced rain   Soy beans are relatively easy to   ing Rows 75 cm.

          108     |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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