Page 110 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 110

5. Pigeon Peas – dicotyledonous, Rotation or Relay legume crop.

         Spacing                       Rows                                 75cm
                                       In Furrow                        120cm
         Furrow depth                  Organic 12cm     Inorganic 8cm
         Fertilisation per meter       350ml Organic      8ml Inorganic NPK
         Seed rate per hectare                                  50kg
         Planting depth                                          3cm
         Seeds per hole                                            3

         Thin to                                               1 or 2
         Top dress                                              none
         Yield                                 1.5 tonnes per hectare

        6. Cowpeas/Beans – dicotyledonous, Rotation or Relay legume crop
         Spacing                       Rows                                 75cm
                                       In Furrows                       10cm  If you are going to use cowpeas as
         Furrow depth                  Organic 8cm       Inorganic 5cm       a relay crop then you can broadcast
         Fertilisation per meter       350ml Organic      5ml Inorganic NPK                          at maize die back and do your last

         Planting Depth                                          2cm         weeding to allow for good seed to soil
         Seed rate per hectare                                   60kg        contact.
         Top-dress                                             None
         Yield                                      1.5 tonnes per hectare

        7. Groundnuts – dicotyledonous, rotation legume crop

         Spacing                       Rows                     Split to 37.5cm
                                       Furrows                          8cm
         Furrow depth                  Organic 8cm       Inorganic 6cm
         Fertilisation per meter       350ml Organic     5ml Inorganic NPK
         Seed rate per hectare                                  80kg
         Planting depth                                          3cm
         Top-dress                                              None

         Yield                                        2 tonnes per hectare

        8. Winter Wheat – monocotyledonous, relay or double crop

         Spacing                       Rows                                 15cm
                                       In Furrows           Dribble in furrow
         Furrow depth                  Organic 1.5cm                        If you are going to plant wheat as a
         Fertilisation per meter       350ml Organic                                  relay crop then you can broadcast at
                                                                            maize die back and thereafter do your
         Seed rate Kg per hectare       100 kg in rows or 120 kg broadcast                          last weeding to allow for good seed to
         Planting depth                                          1.5cm      soil contact
         Top-dress broadcast            100kg AN (Ammonium Nitrate)

         Yield                                        2 tonnes per hectare
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