Page 105 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 105


          not just some brand style to make   make better choices.              really the end of that story in the
          us sound good or even attractive..   Are stories that powerful?       mind of the person that watched it?
          It's way more than that. The truth is,   Absolute yes.                Not at all. The story simply be-
          even before we ever knew we were                                      comes another seed planted in the
          to go into online magazine publish-  Where did you learn to see your-  mind of that person which in turn
          ing, we had always known there was   self an Afrikan as inferior to the   creates doubt about what it means
          something wrong with the Afrikan   white man? I bet its largely from the   to be an Afrikan and if the watch-
          story, the way it has been told and is   stories that have been told about   er is a child, a tree of inferiority
          still being told. So we decided, from   the Afrikan ancestors. About how   complex and hate for the Afrikan
          the onset of the magazine, that we   the white man came and took their   narrative begins to grow. Then a
          are going to tell the Afrikan story   lands by the bullets and 'superior'   few years down the line, that child
          from a different place of hope, love,   military skills. But what you were   who has now become a young man
          beauty, compassion, kindness and   not told is that not all battles against   "suddenly" has this hatred for Afrika
          the Afrikan Ubuntu principle. This   the invading white men were won   and everything that comes from her.
          is the foundation of this magazine   by the white men. For example,   But was it really a sudden thing? Big
          and we are not about to change it   Ethiopia was never conquered by   NO. The seed of Anti-Afrika was
          anytime soon. Does this mean we    the invaders. Queen Yaa Asantewaa   sown many years ago through a sto-
          only tell the good stories of Afrika   of the Ashanti Kingdom of ancient   ry, watered by more negative stories,
          while closing our eyes to the bad?   Ghana defeated the British army.   pruned by the hands of the garden-
          Not at all. In fact, we make sure we   Such stories you certainly won't   ers of wickedness and BOOM, you
          balance both the bad with the good,   hear in the narrative of the Afrikan   have an Afrikan heart that does not
          by telling the bad with the intention   people.                       want to have anything to do with
          to correct and make changes while                                     Afrika.
          celebrating the good and giving it a   Again, how did you learn to think
          bigger voice of expression.        that the Afrikan narrative is that of   It's time to grow up
                                             perpetual poverty, terrorism, wars,   Imagine all the havoc that negative
          Several times we have turned down   militias, rape, malnourishment etc? I   stories have done against Afrika,
          articles from various Afrikan writers.    am sure it's from the western propa-  Afrikans and the Afrikan narrative.
          And this we did not because they   ganda machine called Hollywood.    But what about if we flip the coin to
          are not good writers, but because   Have you ever wondered why the    telling more of our positive strories?
          most of their stories come with    only thing you see in Hollywood    How much would we change within
          much negativity and almost all the   movies about Afrika is mostly    this current generation who can't
          time, without the intention to cor-  Somalia and Al-shabaab, Nigeria   seem to make any connection to the
          rect or make changes in the people   and Boko Haram, South Africa     goodness of Afrika, if we all de-
          they write about, we decline such   and Drugs, Kenya and Zebras,      liberately begin to re-look, re-view,
          articles. Why do we have to do that   Zimbabwe and illegal gold mines   re-imagine and even re-engineer our
          when we are constantly in need of   etc. But is that all there is to our   personal and collective orientation
          content? The reason is simple.     Afrikan stories? Heaven's NO.      about ourselves and our poeple?
          What we accept as articles in our   Notice that when you watch such   And I am not saying this to create
          magazine becomes what we have      movies, you see something of this   a bunch of people who hide their
          said yes to and because we have    kind: An American expatriate has   heads in the sand when it comes to
          authority in the spiritual space called   been kidnapped in Somalia and the   dealing with the negative things in
          Afrika, giving such yes to negative   kidnappers are asking for a 5Million   our comuunities, but to call upon
          articles is like giving power to the   dollar ransom. Then the American   those who have clearly seen what
          continuity of the very evil that we   millitary sends in their Seal Team   our challenges are, have analyzed
          are fighting to remove from Afrika.   to Mogadishu or a remote village in   what it will take to deal with them
          It's that simple.                  Somalia for a rescue operation. The   and then by being positive about the
          And in doing what we do and how    kidnappers are killed by the 'superior   possible outcome, now go ahead to
          we do it, we are not excusing or   miltary skills' of the US Seal Team   deal. We must stop telling one-sided
          turning a blind eye to the nega-   and the captive was set free and tak-  stories and start to tell complete
          tives in our people, but to become   en back home to his or her family.   stories of the truth about who we
          the lamps that shed light on their   End of the movie.                really are as Afrikans.
          minds in order to help them see the   First, is that really the only story of   We just need to really GROW
          accurate Afrikan reality and by that,   the Somali people? No. Two, is that   UP!

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  105
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