Page 100 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
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the temporary needs and people we about how we are going to organize adigm of our Afrikan ancestors, the
cannot exaggerate about it because the awakening and the waking up of paradigm that the Son of Man came
it is not the finality of existence and the Afrikan consciousness. to restore. I also spoke to you on the
those needs need to be redistribut- Second step, in the waking up of the difficulty of Afrika on the paradigm
ed to all people. The goal was how consciousness we shall constitute a that he seems not to find a way out,
to organize our societies so that new Elite body. We will see how in because the current political class
love, justice and purity reigns inside the movement of this awakening up available, their way of seeing things
and among us. What then will we we can be able to organize a new and their university designed mind-
do Mothers, Fathers and Friends body for the struggle. And when we set is responding to the paradigm of
because the entire Afrikan political say movement of awakening and keeping us as the source of primary
class currently is designed to the wake up we do not mean a fighting materials and this will not get us out
thinking of the western paradigm? movement, popular uprising, 'put of the situation we are in. I have giv-
such a person in such a place, I will en you 4 steps to be able to get out
Voila! Mothers, Fathers, Friends the give you this and that' we speak not of this situation.
profound reflection to enable those of this, instead we speak of a return 1. Wake up the consciousness and
that want to contribute to the re- to a paradigm that centers love, spirituality,
search of the solutions of this crisis justice, purity in development of a 2. Constitution of an elite according
so we can all come together, but I person. And for that we need to rec- to that wake up,
would like to give 4 stages to attain oncile ourselves to our history and 3. Create a situation of transition
maturity, so that we can be able we need to constitute a new elite of civilization as the people begin
succeed and get out of this mess. group that is grained in the history to take charge of their lives and see
Firstly, we need to do an awakening of pure spirituality. how to negotiate with the civiliza-
and wake up the consciousness. The tion of violence, so that finally,
Afrikan really needs to be reborn Third step, we shall have a political, 4. We can make a reign of peace on
in a new birth. There is a need for economic transition. As we are in earth.
consciousness awakening of person- the paradigm of the west we will not
nel, so that they can help the people do a revolution as they have arms
to wake up and to be reconciled to and a lot of interests. We will see Sources:
their history. Because the current what sort of approach we should Ekumani Wetshi: Ekumani Lumiere
solutions that are being taken are take and we will talk between us and teachings, Cheikh Anta Diop: “The
solutions that do not take account also speak to them in a way that we African Origin of Civilization Myth or
of the history of Afrikan people can negotiate a transition of civili- Reality”, “Precolonial Black Africa”,
and have made the Afrikan to live in zation. Civilization or Barbarism “, The Holy
syncretism. An Afrikan has become Bible: Several books and Authors, Henry
a hybrid, and in that hybridization We will let go of a barbaric civiliza- Ford : The International Jew” 4 Volume
he has devalued himself completely. tion and move to the civilization of work book: The Protocols of the Elders
Afrikan intellectuals are a shame, reign of peace on earth, but it will of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings
they will speak foreign languages all be in a transitional phase. There is a of the Learned Elders of Zion, Arthur
day and make mention of all types need for elders who have done that, Koestler: “The 13th Tribe, Colonel John
of things, but have no vision of a sort of political elite to be able to Owen Beaty: “The Iron Curtain over
their history and worse if he is told see off and negotiate that transition. America”, Colonel Curtis B Dall: “Israe-
of his history he looks at it with The people will be made aware of lis 5 trillion-dollar secret”, Freddy Tshike-
hate and disregard. this and also the force of progress va: “Kimbangu Nzambe teachings”,
in the western world.
Every time something of Afrikan Influencers: PLO Lumumba, Dr. Sebi,
paradigm is mentioned it is seen to And at the last the fourth step. We Dr. Umar Johnson, Dr. Arikana
be nothing but witchcraft, see the will enter into the emerging new Chihombori, King Joshua Maponga, Dr.
foolishness of the temple-mind-set civilization. These thereby are my re- Mumbi Seraki, Mrs. Chioma Phillips,
of Europe. Not knowing that the flections in 4 steps I have spoken to Zack Mwekassa, Julius Malema.
temple of Afrika was a temple of you of the current dominating par-
brotherhood and sisterhood rela- adigm that is an accident of history
tions. because the paradigm that drove
So the first stage we have to think history over a long time was the par-
100 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika