Page 99 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 99
vision by reformatting our minds The question is therefore to know
inside western schools. So repub- are we going to continue like this?,
lic western schools across Afrika With the following mind-set!, "oh
and universities are simply tools they have said, the western pow-
of perpetuation and reformation ers have set their eyes upon such a
of Afrikans to the vision or way person", "oh now the international
of seeing life. The Afrikan has a deciders have said this", "oh let's
huge difficulty, the Afrikan does not promote democracy", "if on this
know any more how to get out of law we say this, the deciders will
this civilization that has designed not see us well, so let’s be careful",
if not that is their problem. If they his mind for over 5 centuries. Un- "let's get together so we can find
will not be able to accept the min- knowingly he has placed himself in solutions under the surveillance of
imum, the person or persons who a position where he is looking for the international community", such
will rule them should at all costs a solution again through the same kind of foolish speeches made by
respond to their paradigm. But in western world that is responsible for Afrikan leaders. Where are we going
Afrikan cosmology when foreigners the situation that he is in by being to end with this kind of vision and
came to visit, the Afrikan ancestors the provider and supplier of pri- mind-set? "Ah we are the oppo-
gave them wisdom and knowledge mary materials in Europe. Mothers, sition, ah we are opposing”, “We
so that when they returned to their Fathers, Friends see the two visions are the ones in power, they want to
nation they should also work and that are inside the world. But at the take our power and we do not want
become Batu (People who have the moment only one of these visions that”, “I heard this person is of
image of God-The-Father-Creator). exist, because the vision I just ex- the same tribe as me, so I am with
plained of Afrikan cosmology does him", "another says, oh for me their
Mothers, Fathers, Friends here you not exist any more. The Europeans democracy is not alright, let us rise
see two visions that are at the center have done all even in the terms of up and get the power by force so
of the Congolese and Afrikan crisis, religion and in all sorts of areas that that I can become the leader in this
a mercantile vision where many of the approach of conserving the country."
us are and we are trying hard to get world and design of a person should
out of this vision, but not knowing be in such a way that only depends Everything revolves around the
in actual sense we come from the on accumulating riches. foolishness of the periphery para-
other vision of Afrikan cosmology. digm that the western powers placed
So during the ongoing shock of There was a need to make the in Afrikans and with this kind of
meetings, the European paradigm Afrikan hate his own language, and foolishness it is difficult for Afri-
was based on violence and it man- place in his head that he can only kans to be free, because the mind is
aged to take over by force, because be developed or seen as developed formatted and designed to function
as for us when they came we never if he is speaking the language of with those kinds of reflections. A
thought that people would come foreigners. A person that is seen lot if intellect eminent personalities
to visit other people and kill them teaching in his own local language is are full of pain and grief to see
and harm them. We did not place seen as a person who is not intelli- Afrika in that way, but they too are
ourselves in a defensive situation be- gent and whatever he is saying is not reflecting through the lenses of the
cause we never thought that people right. But if another person comes western paradigm to see which place
in this world that God-The-Father and speaks in a European language Afrika will be while playing the role
created could live in that manner. there! the black formatted mind is of supplier of primary materials.
happy. A black man takes words of
This resulted in them colonizing us. wisdom from a western person and So in summary Afrika is reserved
They brought and introduced us posts them in his publications, but as a source of primary materials.
into slavery and sold us, destroyed words of wisdom of Afrikan wise But in the ancient paradigm, Afrika
our social tissue and with mental men he will disregard saying they was trying to look at his children so
colonization they removed in our are not educated. He will feel shy to they could achieve spiritual ascen-
children in over 5 centuries our way put out there the ideas of Afrikans sion. Afrikan ancestors knew why
(vision) of seeing the world. They because he does not know it and is we came into the world, and that
removed the Afrikan cosmology formatted in the water of foreign- the goal of life is Zola (Love). All
ers. See the pain of black people! temporary activities are assuring to