Page 98 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 98
they cultivated from nature. They how to exchange their goods and
cultivated the laws of God-The-Fa- services in a just manner, so that
ther-Creator into political traditions, everyone can have the satisfaction
cultural traditions, and all sorts of of his goods for temporary con-
just laws that exist in Afrikan cos- sumption. The goods of temporary
mology. There is a great need for a consumption were not exaggerated,
ruler to know these laws so that he/ the goal of life was not for us to
she can be the guardian of these tra- make sky-scrapers and to exaggerate
of our Father, and Father gave us ditions. And the woman that a male the consumption of goods. The
this earth so that we can become ruler will marry, she needs to be a goal of life of course was to gain
the image and resemblance of our woman that will be the guardian of these goods of consumption, but
Father. the sacred flame that will help the through the gaining of these goods
They believed that we came into man all the time to be in proximity we learn how to live in love, purity
the world to give birth to qualities to the light of God-The-Father-Cre- and justice with one another. In the
of Zola (Love), and also give birth ator. So that he and his ministers are Afrikan paradigm the family was of
to Knowledge that is inside of us. able to do a good job. And the peo- capital importance. The role of a
And the place where we will live, ple can learn by initiation the laws father, the role of a mother, the role
we should live in Bopeto (peace), of God-The-Father-Creator and of a child, the role of uncles, aunties
and this will require us to be wise in later show their Ki-Moto (Image of and even in the society, village or
the way that we organize ourselves, God) into the world. community the roles were given all
how we will live and in our work so so that a person can be helped to
that we can be able to attain these Ladies and gentlemen as you can become in the world.
existential objectives. analyze for yourself you can see
that this paradigm has nothing to They built societies of peace,
For this cause they organized their do with the European paradigm at non-aggression societies, societies
lives in a way that enabled them all. A man according to the Afrikan that had an essential goal of pro-
to attain their paradigm of growth paradigm, the ancient paradigm, the moting excellence of beauty and
in knowledge and showed how to paradigm of light when Afrika had spirituality. These are the cultures
become Moto (Human), a being that no contact with the western world that perpetuated across history,
is in the image and resemblance of placed man in a social, cultural, matic traditions and this was the
our Creator. They organized their ecological space where he can realize paradigm of us Afrikans.
society around a structure and state his goal and purpose of life with his Mothers, Fathers, Friends, and
where they had a temple, a temple neighbor, and that goal is to become Children of Afrika you can see the
that was the guardian of the char- Muntu (Image and resemblance of two paradigms; On one side how
acter of traditions of God-The-Fa- God). The goal of a human is to to accumulate riches, a person is
ther-Creator. become the Christos of God, and defined by how many accounts he
this is in summary the paradigm that has in big banks and when he has
The temple was in charge of form- Afrikans had. these accounts then he is a person
ing people that would rule the state. of value and importance. He will
If someone has the will to rule the What about the market? A place of hide his funds in the Panama Papers
state, he/she will get the formation/ exchange is no longer a space of and many other places. The state
training from the priest. So that he domination or trying to accumulate needs to have strong armies or else
can learn in his mind, heart and his riches, but a space of exchange of another state will come and attack it.
roots that the world that he/she goods and services and not only So you have to be strong in the mil-
wants to run, the essential goal of that, the market is of the goal that itary, and you have to dominate and
the people that live in this world is not every person can produce rule other people so that you can
to learn the laws of God-The-Fa- everything, instead the society is get your paradigm and accumulate
ther-Creator. So the leader cannot organized into casts, one cast will riches to define that where you are,
lead or rule if he/she does not produce this and another cast will you live well, but where others in
know and live by the laws of God- specialize in a different thing. the 'third world' should continue to
The-Father-Creator. The Afrikan an- be providers of primary materials.
cestors walked the world in the laws Then all the different groups of And if they will organize themselves
of God-The-Father-Creator that people meet at the market to see to get the minimum then it's ok and
98 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika