Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 97
zation. Though there are variants, Mothers, Fathers, sisters, brothers
where others have kings, others and friends voila!! The paradigm of
Arvy Ngayaka Ngala-Ngala from Kongo presidents or prime ministers and the western world that has dominat-
(DRC) is a 26 year old Marketing Specialist at also others have various ways they ed the world for over 5 centuries. A
Signori Armadio, he is the Head at Zola Ban- organize their justice system, but in paradigm that we all have entered
tu. He is Student of the Servant of Holy Spirit brief the common goal or end goal into and is the source of all our
political crisis and social crisis that
is how the state can be an instru-
for the Conscience awakening of Black people ment of the vision of "accumula- we are in today. Sadly, we are all
for the preparation of the 3rd Civilization of a tion of riches of nations". looking for how to play a role in this
1,000 years in the heart of Afrika in the time This is where certain families or a paradigm. Because, all our education
systems which, by the way, were
of Aquarius. certain group of individuals will brought to us by the west; serve as
know how to pilot the economy a tool for reforming, designing and
of the world, the economy of the brainwashing our mental, spiritual,
entire planet around an enterprise religious selves so as to respond
based on capital, to govern the to the need of the market, a need
entire world. And all the people that that returns to the vision of how a
will work in the workplaces they person can enrich himself.
provide, they will give them perhaps
good salaries in the western world Mothers, Fathers and Friends you
to keep them in control and moti- have seen the western world para-
vated to continue to acquire "riches’ digm that dominated the world and
needs" for them. continues to dominate the world.
But in poor countries the organi- But we, in Afrika before the western
zation of the state will be made world brought that paradigm (vision
of Europe and North America they similar to what they have made in of accumulation of riches), Afri-
structure their political space in such the metropolitan nations, but the kans had their own way of seeing
a way that it remains stable, so that goal and finality is that these nations the world. How did Afrika see the
at all times it continues to play the of Afrika, their organization and world?
role to accomplish their vision of alimentation will at all times be run/
mercantilism (an economic policy controlled by the deciding nations In Afrikan cosmology, a person and
that is designed to maximize the or the western world. the sense of life of a human being
exports and minimize the imports was not "to have”, it was not the
for an economy). Mothers, Fathers, brothers, sisters accumulation of resources and not
and friends see where Afrikans since to run to other people’s territories to
Around these States they will or- the 1960’s, with all the conferences exploit or conquer them and manip-
ganize powers. These powers will held in the continent and abroad by ulate the market to empty them of
make legislative laws and also run Afrikan political classes or Afrikan their resources, No! Afrika did not
those states to cater for people's intellectuals across the continent have this concept of life. As Afrika,
needs. Legislative bodies will be have placed our continent in a situ- that was not our vision of the world.
made to monitor how laws will be ation of: how we are going to con- How then did Afrika see the world?
controlled and applied in their spac- tinue being the supplier of primary
es to finally create a judiciary power. materials, so that west can be able Afrikan ancestors knew that we
to accumulate riches, and maintain came into the world to grow our
All the nations of the western world the entire Afrikan population in the Ki-Muntu-Ki-Bomoto (Humanity).
have a similar structure of organi- state of extraordinary poverty. It means we came from the nation
A few sell-out Afrikan leaders & Afrikan intellectuals have understood
the game so well that they frequently visit these nations of Europe,
America hoping these nations can decide how they will be chosen, so
they can be the puppet to push ahead the agenda of the west.