Page 102 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 102


          hands, ears, temples, feet and a mask   - 33 drops organic Clove Bud essen-  for each thief – and garlic, a strong
          over their mouths, kept them safe   tial oil (33%)                    anti-viral and anti-bacterial itself,
          from infection. It was their blend   - 30 drops organic Lemon Essential   infused in apple cider vinegar.
          of oils and vinegar that came to   oil (30%)                          Some herbalists recommend the
          be known as the Thieves Oil. The   - 17 drops organic cinnamon bark   Four Thieves tonic as a preventa-
          judge stayed true to his word. The   essential oil (17%)              tive to ward off any communicable
          men were not burned alive, but were   - 12 drops organic eucalyptus essen-  illness like the common cold and
          hanged for their crimes instead.   tial oil (12%)                     influenza*. This makes sense when
                                             - 8 drops organic rosemary essential   you look at the health-promoting
          The King immediately posted the    oil (8%)                           properties of the individual herbs
          thieves secret formula all over the                                   that you’ll find in most of today’s
          town so every man could make it for   Note: Others prefer to add oregano   recipes.
          himself.                           essential oil, tea tree essential oil, or-
          Scientists believe the concoction   ange essential oil, lavender essential   To make your own Four Thieves
          worked against the plague because   oil and/or cedar essential oil.   Vinegar Health Tonic, you will need:
          it repelled insects, including fleas,                                 -1 bulb of garlic, cloves separated,
          which spread that disease.         Directions:                        skins removed, and crushed.
                                             -Mix into a dark glass bottle. Some   -2 tablespoons each of four or more
          French chemist and scholar         recipes call for equal amounts of   dried herbs (rosemary, cloves, sage,
          René-Maurice Gattefossé published   each of the five essential oils.  thyme), chopped. Choose herbs
          the “original” recipe that hung in   Due to the various properties    with the properties you desire.
          the museum of Old Marseilles,      of this blend of essential oils,   -1 liter of organic apple cider vine-
          France in his 1937 book, Gattefos-  the Thieves Oil has antibacterial,   gar
          sé’s Aromatherapy:                 antiseptic and antiviral, and im-  Directions:
          Take three pints of  strong white wine   mune-stimulating properties.   -Place the herbs in a wide-mouth
          vinegar, add a handful of  each of  worm-  There are many wonderful ways to   quart jar and cover with the vinegar.
          wood, meadowsweet, wild marjoram and   use this highly health-supporting   -Cap and place in a warm spot such
          sage, fifty cloves, two ounces of  campanula   and versatile blend of oils, such as:  as the back of the stove or a sunny
          roots, two ounces of  angelic, rosemary and   -It makes an excellent all-purpose   window.
          horehound and three large measures of    spray solution for cleaning and   -Let steep for 2-4 weeks.
          champhor. Place the mixture in a contain-  wiping around the home: 3 drops   -Decant and bottle.
          er for fifteen days, strain and express then   of oil to 30mls of H20 or vinegar.
          bottle. Use by rubbing it on the hands,   Add the thieves oil blend first, then   Herbalists recommended dosages
          ears and temples from time to time when   add the distilled water, mixes better   of around 1 tablespoon diluted in a
          approaching a plague victim.       that way.                          glass of water per day for an adult
                                             -Add a few drops to water or alco-  and 1 teaspoon in water for a child.
          There is an account of the Thieves   hol & use as a hand sanitizer    Because its flavor is akin to salad
          Story recorded in the Royal English   -The oil can be used for massage to   dressing, you may want to use it as
          Archives and the Thieves Oil has   alleviate minor aches and pains.   such, or add it to juice.
          since been commercially patented by   -Diffusing this oil blend in the air
          the Young Living company.          to clear your chest and congested   * Note: I am not making any medicinal
          This herbal concoction supposedly   airways.                          claims here, this is the information I have
          protected people from the plague.   -This oil blend boasts an impressive   discovered while researching this article,
                                             aromatic scent that when diffused,   please do your own research and never use
          The recipe has many variations – is   eliminates odors and kills air-borne   undiluted essential oils directly on your
          it magic elixir or the stuff of leg-  pathogens.                      skin. The recipes in this article are not in-
          ends?                              -It’s excellent for daily use on feet,   tended to take the place of  regular medical
          Over the years, many versions of   hands & head as a natural fungicide.  care or advice.
          this story exist, as do variations of
          the recipe but today we look at only   2.The Four Thieves Vinegar Ton-
          two recipe samples:                ic Recipe
                                             Modern versions of the recipe
          1. The Four Thieves Oil Recipe     generally include four herbs – one

          102     |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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