Page 101 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 101


          A RELOOK AT A                                                          Alexis is the founder and CEO of  Kakia
                                                                                  Oils, a community-interest agribusiness
                                                                                  that celebrates the versatility, potency of
          HISTORICAL PLAGUE:                                                      plant-based oils from the best of  African
                                                                                    produce to promote wellness for all.
                                                                                  The easy-going, adventurous mother of
          INTRIGUING STORY OF THE FOUR THIEVES                                   adulthood, which she successfully controlled
                                                                                  two struggled with eczema into her young
          Alexis Juma                                                                    using botanical oils.

               t is said that there are 17 dif-  death, there was no cure at all.
               ferent versions of the “Story
               of Thieves” or the story of   During this time, these four men
          I“The Four Thieves.”  The Eu-      were taking advantage of the death
          ropean group of four thieves were   and devastation and became famous.
          actually spice traders and merchants   Since people in the towns were
          who imported spices, including cin-  afraid to touch the dead bodies,
          namon and clove from India.        the four thieves decided to loot the
                                             homes and bodies of the plague
          When the Bubonic Plague, bet-      victims. They would take clothes,
          ter known as The Black Death/      jewelry, pots and pans, and then
          Pestilence/Great Plague, swept     barter or trade them for food and
          across Europe and Asia in the 15th   money. They believed they wouldn’t   and their homes without getting sick
          Century, all international shipping   get sick if they rubbed vinegar, oils,   or dying.
          and trade was closed down. Unable   and certain spices all over their bod-
          to do business, these spice traders   ies. They were able to set up a very   The thieves were caught and
          quickly ran out of money and had   lucrative pawn business. Until the   brought before the King. He gave
          to find a way to support themselves.   King found out…                them a choice to either share their
          It seemed impossible at the time to                                   secret formula of “immunity” or be
          live in the vicinity of anyone with   When the King heard about the   burned in public. The four thieves
          this horrible bacterial disease with-  story of the thieves, he wanted to   decided to share their secret formula
          out contracting it, and, at the time   know their secret about being in   with the King. They narrated that
          the sickness really did mean ultimate   close quarters with plague victims   they had prepared an oil and vinegar
                                                                                recipe that, when applied to their

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  101
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