Page 96 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 96


                                             It means it is in the exchange of or   The army becomes an instrument
                                             in your capacity to dribble another   for conquering the riches of the
                                             on the price, and be able to manip-  planet earth.
                                             ulate money for your own personal
                                             gain, that other people are called   For this to happen there is a need
                                             developed and other people are     to create all sorts of doctrines of all
                                             called less developed or underdevel-  types, and they have also seen that
                                             oped.                              the force/power of a person/people
                                             All of this is to look at how to   is in their capacity to have arms of
                                             be clever in the remuneration for   war and also the capacity to impose
          accumulation of riches it has given   work done, so that when a person   his/her/their vision and ideas in
          birth to conflicts of all sorts, from   performs his/her task, if you are a   the world. That is why today as we
          identity conflicts to civilization con-  clever person you look for a way to   speak, the vision that is dominating
          flicts of all kinds. The current vision   pay him less, so that you can earn   the world currently is the vision
          of the world is essentially carried by   more and get joy and happiness in   of the accumulation of riches, and
          the western world.                 the world and in your nation.      when you will accumulate these rich-
                                                                                es it places you in a position where
          It means life and the sense of life is   So you see my mothers, fathers, and   you will be able to pass your ideas
          the capacity of someone to maxi-   friends, this is the paradigm of the   and you will be respected.
          mize and fill up on material goods   western world, the paradigm that
          and rationalize where it needs to be   has dominated the world for over
          produced so that at the end, he/   4,000 years since the fall of Egypt,   They have therefore organized the
          she continuously moves on in life   where our ancestors led the world   world into different categories: The
          like they say " from glory to glory   for 13,000 years after the great   engine/leading countries,  which
          and victory to victory". It means a   flood.                          are the countries of Europe, and
          person's satisfaction in life according                               North America, and the third world
          to the above definition is measured   And for this paradigm to consol-  nations foolishly refer to them as
          by the enormous material riches/   idate there is a need to organize   "the deciding nations".
          wealth they have.                  the society in such a way that can
          Countless theories in economic sci-  perpetuate/drive this paradigm.   Decisive in the sense and vision of
          ence explain how and what people                                      their paradigm.
          need to do to become all powerful   Political organizations are made to
          accumulators of material riches. The   give a sense of syndicate to en-  Other nations, precisely 'third world
          market, in reality, should be a place   trepreneurs, syndicate of salaries,   nations', are simply seen as reser-
          that brings people together for a fair   social force, all this serves as a way   voirs of earth’s primary materials.
          exchange of goods and services, but   to organize the society so that the
          for these elites it is a place to see   economy should actually be the ac-  Since these 'third world nations'
          and make sure that if they go to the   cumulation, repartition of material   (countries of Afrika) are seen and
          market, they should earn more than   riches. And finally, the sense of the   taken to be simply reservoirs of
          other people.                      world, the sense of a person in the   earth’s primary materials, they have
                                             world is how he/she will get goods   organized these nations  in such
          They say in their heart, “I should   and services.                    a way that they should respond
          earn more, more than another coun-                                    to their mission and  vision in the
          try, more than another continent,   But the western world says we will   world. So that they can continue to
          I should impose my vision (para-   not end here; we also have to travel   be consumers or exploiters of the
          digm)”.                            to many territories across the earth   primary materials of those nations.
                                             to conquer those spaces.
          See, my mothers, fathers, sisters,   This gave birth to the idea to build   Inside the nations of Afrika that
          brothers, friends and all children   armies, and organize their armies to   play the role of reservoirs of pri-
          of the nation of Afrika, the kind   be able to defend themselves, and at   mary materials, they have organized
          of economy that is meeting at the   the same time it had to be and still is   it (with the help of puppet leaders/
          market has become the engine of    a key instrument of destruction to   intellectuals) to serve their selfish
          the development of a person.       anyone who opposes their agenda.   goal, but in the 'engine' countries

          96      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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