Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 94
thing of the past, and in the hands the Western world. But the cost grow into as adults. It is necessary
of a distrusted people that have seemed higher than acknowledged. that we understand that it takes a
never served the African American man to raise a boy to be a man, and
population. This gave power to a There is the perception that we it takes a woman to raise a girl to be
people, who have repeatedly proved diaspora dwellers are lucky to live a woman, as well as the need for the
to be untrustworthy, and have full in this part of the world. Yes, there same race mentorship relationship.
access in shaping the minds of the are many privileges we can enjoy,
black youths. but one thing we do not always have After all, when Queen Nandi found
the luxury of enjoying is quality herself pregnant out of wedlock,
No thriving groups of people would time with family. These times might and was exiled from her clan, she
accept full access to their oppressors have been less lonely times for me managed to pick herself up with
to educate their children. Something if there were a network of loving young Shaka kaSenzagakhona.
tells me, this was not the intention extended family members nearby to They happened to be welcomed by
of freedom fighters, like Dr. Martin help fill in the gaps of what I felt another man from another clan who
Luther King Jr, when fighting for was missing in my life, and that was trained and taught young Shaka the
equal rights in education. Using mentorship and role models whom art of war. Young Shaka grew up
some quality time spent with your I could see myself in, and aspire to to be the founder and king of the
child to analyze the quality of be like. Zulu nation, one could easily say the
education for Afrikan peoples, will attribution of his mentor’s influence
help prepare them to think critically Encourage Your Child to could have contributed to the mold-
about the world they live in. Achieve their Highest Poten- ing of a great leader and the future
tial with the Influence of king, Shaka Zulu.
Create Mother-Child Time Mentorship
One common thing working class Malcolm X once said, “A man The Necessity of the Afrikan
immigrant parents seem to have in who stands for nothing will fall for Family
common when they have the oppor- anything”. Having a lack of positive Be mindful of who you expose your
tunity to live in the diaspora is that role models or mentorship for your children to. When it comes to your
they often work many hours out of child may cause your child to not dating life, take into account the
fear of not being able to make ends have a clear idea of who they want damage that can take place when
meet, financially. So they overcom- to become. Having some sort of having multiple partners come in
pensate by working many hours guidance, for your child, that is out- and out of their lives, what messages
a day (and night) to ensure they side of yourself, will cut out some they might have about relationships,
can comfortably provide for their confusion that may come with not love, and partnerships. As the main
families both in the diaspora as well knowing how great their potential caregiver for your children, teaching
as the families they have left behind can be. Living in a diaspora, you by leading by example will pay off.
in their home countries. These are probably are viewed as a minority. It Giving your children the skills
often the observations and the sacri- may be a little harder to find suitable they need to be proactive in prob-
fices I often saw my mother make to individuals who can take on the role lem solving in any situation that
meet these demands. of mentorship for your child, seeing comes their way will pave the way
there may not be a lot of choices in to making them great individuals.
There were times when she would your environment. Finding a suitable You may not be in a position to be
come home, from work, and I candidate will take work on your the example of what a functional
would be asleep. When I would part. two parent household may look
wake up for school then she would like. But you are in a position to be
be asleep. When I came home from Same sex mentorship of the child the example of what a functional
school, she would be at work. Not are deeply valued in Afrikan soci- woman may look like. Note, it takes
spending quality time with my mom eties. Gender roles are defined and a holistically mature individual to be
would go on for days at a time. At allocated to the specific gender. in a functional relationship to begin
the time, like every other child I Ensure to expose your child to posi- with. These are the tools needed to
knew that came from an immigrant tive black role models, who they can maintain the functionality of the
household, I understood this was identify with, and who can be a pos- Afrikan family, to build a positive
the life we had to live to enjoy the itive influence in shaping who they Afrikan community, and eventually a
privileges that come with living in thriving Afrikan nation.
94 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika