Page 90 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 90


          Lake Ellis, Mount Kenya.
          Photo: Samuel Phillips                                                               stolen from us
                                                                                               by the ones who
                                                                                               told us we were
                                                                                               backward, igno-
                                                                                               rant, illiterate and
                                                                                               without a spiritual
                                                                                               connection to our
                                                                                               Maker, the Father
                                                                                               of the Lord Jesus
                                                                                               Christ... and we
                                                                                               AfriKa and her
                                                                                               people back into
                                                                                               alignment with
                                                                                               Him - and nothing
                                                                                               and no one can
                                                                                               ever take that away
                                                                                               from us again.
          ones who came before us I mean.    them good harvests and healed      Descending Lake Ellis
          The ones who were called primitive   them. He Who gave them access to   For our descent from the lake, we
          and told they were worshiping a    Himself. “He Who Causes That-      chose to use the Chogoria route,
          rock when in actual fact the igno-  Which-Is To Be & He Who Causes    which, before you reach the base
          rant foreign observers did not know   That-Which-Can't-Be To Fall”    camp has some sections of road
          Who it was they called upon.  Did   which is the meaning of YHVH ac-  that demand some of your best
          they know that they were a part of   cording to Abarim Publications. Did   offroading techniques and exper-
          something so much greater than     they know what we discovered that   tise - depending on the weather.
          themselves that words could barely   day? That God’s presence is there.  The landscape and scenery make
          frame what their hearts knew inside                                   you want to sit still for hours, saying
          to be true? Is that why they offered   Small wonder we were taken to the   nothing as you listen to what the
          sacrifices of goats and sheep to   waters of Lake Ellis, in the month   ancient gigantic trees will whisper
          the One, the Maker, the Creator    of purification to purge the idols   to the wind of the things they have
          of all who in certain languages of   from our hearts and land as Eli-  seen for thousands of years and
          the people of the mountain was     jah did in his day. Ellis, the name   what they see today. That’s my way
          called Mwene Nyaga – the Owner     derived from Elias, which in turn is   of saying that it is absolutely and
          of the Ostriches, referring to that   derived from Elijah which is derived   totally breathtaking in its beauty -
          high mysterious humbling mountain   from Eliyahu, which means “Yah    and a rushed trip there won't do it
          peaks? Is that why they were able   is God” or “Yah is my God”.  To   justice. We eventually reached the
          to connect their understanding of   re-acknowledge Who He is in con-  smoother road I mentioned earlier,
          their Creator to the Words captured   cord with those of the raised land   but keep in mind if you choose that
          in the Bible when the missionaries   of ‘Ka’. AfriKA! Those with hands   route, elephants do use it from time
          came along? Not that they were     outstretched to God.               to time so do drive carefully.
          duped but that they recognized
          a strand of something they had     In that moment, time stopped, we   When in 2019 we shared our ex-
          connected to and wanted more of?    stepped into eternity and connected   perience of visiting Marsabit, we
          Standing there worshiping not the   with the Divine nature and awe-in-  pointed out that every journey has
          rock and not themselves – as some   spiring power and presence of the   a purpose, I just want to highlight
          in error have led themselves to be-  Almighty and worshiped Him... with   here that it is not a purpose that is
          lieve – but worshiping He Who gave   hands outstretched to Him, recon-  restricted to road trips - but more
          them life, strength, health, cattle, He   necting the ancient streams and lines   than that it is that every life’s jour-
          Who gave them sons and daughters,   that unite Heaven and earth, God   ney has a purpose – perhaps – if
          He Who looked after and protected   and man and His creation. In that   you haven’t already – you can find
          and watched over them and gave     moment, we got back what had been   yours in the stillness.

          90      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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