Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 88


          from Kajiado County through
          Nairobi County to Kiambu County
          then through Murang’a, Kirinyaga,
          Embu, Tharaka Nithi counties and
          past the equator to Meru County.
          A total distance one way of about
          250kilometres, and a journey which
          we broke into three stages, spending
          the first stage in Nairobi and the
          second in a quiet little tavern called   Point Lenana in the distance. Taken  from Lake Ellis
                                              Photo: Samuel Phillips
          Patmos Island in Meru where, for
          a little less than USD 20 we got a
          clean bed, a hot shower and break-
          fast for two the following day. We   shadows in the forest when you   be able to revisit and capture for
          were traveling in our brother Mike’s   stop to negotiate a particularly tricky   posterity. We were informed that
          car, a hardy twenty-something-year-  bend. (That’s assuming no one goes   people might have been rushing to
          old Pajero, which, under his skilled   to ‘domesticate’ the road). Even   make the ascent in order to claim
          handling got us to locations many   the most seasoned in the group    the best spots... the rush and culture
          didn’t reach. After breakfast we went   approached the climb with respect –   of ‘modern living’ haunting us even
          and joined the rest of the brave   after the first few kilometers of this   here in this most serene of environ-
          expeditioners who intended to face   relatively untapped route began to   ments.
          the great unknown together.        claim its victims. The most impa-  At some point in the journey, there
                                             tient and arrogant were all schooled   were people who were overtaking
          The intended route for our ascent   by this journey.                  others in the forest, crushing plants
          was a gate recently opened by the                                     along the way, in a bid to pass those
          Meru County government through     Ascending to Lake Ellis            who had stopped ahead of them
          an area called Themwe. Most people   From the gate to Lake Ellis you   due to mechanical issues – not so
          who want to make the ascent in the   travel approximately 20km, give   much in a bid to help them over-
          Tharaka Nithi/Meru area opt for    or take, but it took us hours to get   come their unexpected hardships.
          the Chogoria route, which offers a   there as vehicles kept blocking the   This was sad to see – but there were
          smoother ride to the gates of the   road due to overheating or the need   those who did stop to help and
          forest but for the extreme off-road-  to patiently and with all care navi-  remedy the situation by offering
          ers in our midst, there is no better   gate the trickiest sections along the   expertise at repairing or strength to
          stretch of road for putting your   route. But we didn’t mind all the   tow our fellow travellers out of the
          machine to the test than this. Steep   stops, it actually made no sense to us   places where they found themselves
          hills, boulders, mud, corners and   to rush the journey and miss all the   stuck. That’s a metaphor for life’s
          narrow turns will keep you fully   scenic beauty that God took spe-   journey I suppose – you sometimes
          engaged, while your passengers get   cial care to dot the landscape with.   find those who would rather take
          their breath taken away by the spec-  Even so, many a shot were missed   photos of you in your plight than
          tacular scenery or have their imagi-  along the way, which we hope to   help you out of it, but there will
          nations stimulated by the mysterious                                  be others whose hearts are tender
                                                                                towards you and your difficulties
                                                                                and who will remember you, no
                                                                                matter what. Why was it that no one
                                                                                wanted to just be still and leave the
                                                                                rush of daily living behind? It bog-
                                                                                gles the mind. Especially since once
                                                                                those who made it to Lake Ellis set
                                                                                up their tents and then sat down
                                                                                to drink, roast meat and play loud
                                                                                music. Nothing much different from
                                                                                what they do on a regular weekend
                                                                                in town or in the city. Perhaps some

          88      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
                                            Driving through Mount Kenya forest
                                                       Photo: Samuel Phillips
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