Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 84


                                                                                Without exception, modernization
                                                                                used an evolutionary schema that
                                                                                regarded the West's ideal character-
                                                                                istics as the end of social evolution.
                                                                                That meant that reduced to essen-
                                                                                tials, the development of the world's
                                                                                backward parts was implicitly a
                                                                                matter of becoming Western.  When
                                                                                the theorists encountered cultural
                                                                                resistance, they proclaimed the need
                                                                                for modernization of attitudes. As
                                                                                a result, the theory did not come to
                                                                                terms with the historical specificities
                                                                                of backward countries. Strangely,
                                                                                the neoclassical paradigm prevailed

          absorbed their minds.              centuries of the social construction   and was not seriously questioned
                                             – is a reminder of what they are not.   even as African economies contin-
           In the end, it fell to the West to   It is a reminder of an undesirable,   ued to deteriorate.
          supply a development paradigm.     undignified condition. To escape
          What was supplied was a more       from it, they need to be enslaved to   For Zimbabwean scholar, Ndl-
          specific form of a broader Western   others' experiences and dreams.   ovu-Gatsheni, a more fundamental
          social transformation model, namely                                   and sustainable revolution that is ur-
          the modernization theory.          In the most common form, mod-      gently needed in 21st century Africa
          American President Harry Truman    ernization theory posts an original   is a knowledge revolution, the revo-
          in January 1949 opened a new era,   state of backwardness or under-   lution of the mind. Philosophically,
          a uniquely American one, with the   development, characterized by,    under coloniality, the principle of
          declaration of his development     amongst other things, a low rate   Cartesian doubt – I think therefore
          agenda: '... we must embark on a   of economic growth that is at least   I am - underwent a quick metamor-
          bold new program for making the    potentially amenable to alteration   phosis, to I conquer therefore I
          benefits of our scientific advances   through the normal processes    am.  The right of conquest became
          and industrial progress available for   of capital.  This original state of   a significant legitimizing value that
          the improvement and growth of      backwardness is initially universal.   authorized all sorts of violence de-
          underdeveloped areas'.             According to the theory, the indus-  ployed against the colonized.
                                             trialized countries have managed to
          Underdevelopment began then on     overcome it. All the other countries   For Africans, economic and social
          20 January 1949. On that same day,   too could conceivably overcome it if   freedom is not enough. Contrary to
          two billion people became underde-  they adopted appropriate strategies.   what Ake opined, political freedom
          veloped. In a sense, from that time   Modernization theory assumes that   is not even enough. The most im-
          on, they ceased being what they    progress tends to be spatially dif-  portant freedom, in my view, is cog-
          were, in all their diversity and were   fused, a process by which more and   nitive freedom. Cognitive freedom
          transmogrified into an inverted mir-  more countries evolve from the state   is the freedom of Africans to tell
          ror of others' reality: a mirror that   of backwardness, capitalizing on the   their own stories based on their own
          belittles them and sends them off   experience of those that developed   experiences, so as to understand the
          to the end of the queue, a mirror   before them.  Thus, uneven devel-  present in light of the past. Africans
          that defines their identity, that of a   opment is a transitional phenome-  must 'own' the story they tell and
          heterogeneous and diverse majority,   non that can be removed sooner or   take control of telling it in their own
          in terms of a homogenizing and     later by creating certain favorable   language and metaphors, to avoid
          strict minority. For two-thirds of the   conditions within the underdevel-  being ‘story-o-typed’ (origin of the
          people on earth then, this positive   oped regions and by ensuring the   stereotype) again.
          meaning of the word 'develop-      appropriate interactions between   Africa, it is time to RE-STORY
          ment' – profoundly rooted after two   them and the developed regions.   yourself.

          84      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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