Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 81


          traditional Sakuye rituals have been   age up from 12 years. This is done   Religion: Traditionally the Sakuye
          replaced by Islamic prayers.       especially through negotiations with   worshiped one God, Waaq, by put-
                                             the parents.                       ting sacrifices in special trees.  Over
          Identity: Tradition says that before   If a young marriageable girl accused   the last century, aspects of Islam
          the Sakuye attached themselves to   a boy of even greeting her, that   have come into their culture, largely
          the Borana, they lived with the Ren-  person would have a case to answer   due to their association with the
          dille in the Mt. Marsabit area.  The   even if it was only greetings. Only   Somali. Most Sakuye, however, still
          Sakuye and the Rendille are said to   married females were supposed to   hold on to their traditional beliefs
          have broken away in the 1500's from   speak to men. Anybody who reaches   and practices. They follow tradition-
          the early Somali group from which   the age of FGM and circumcision   al Islam that is mixed with animism;
          the Garre also developed.  Tradition   and is not married is scorned and   they even have a shrine in Dabel,
          also says that the Gabbra Miigo,   rejected.                          though as they moved they would
          the Sakuye Miigo and the Gabbra                                       make family shrines and they would
          of Kenya's Eastern Province later   Language:  The Sakuye speak       rather speak of other things, due to
          originated directly from the Garre   Borana, an Eastern Cushite language   their Islamic roots.
          Somali.                            adopted from their Borana-Oromo
                                             patrons.                           Dabel is the center of the Ayaana,
          Today there are two sections of the                                   a strong Oromo Satan appeasement
          Sakuye people, living in two areas.    Customs:  The Sakuye live among   and worship cult.  Ayaana followers
          The northern group are semi-per-   the Borana and they are ritually   believe it is necessary to appease
          manent at Dabel and the southern   allied to them for political purpos-  Satan, because he brings harm to
          group is in Isiolo District.  Clan   es in their history.  Many identify   them, while it not necessary to ap-
          structure and traditions are no lon-  themselves as Borana.  However,   pease God, Since he does not harm
          ger as important as in the past.   the Sakuye herd camels primarily,   people.
          The majority can't read and speak   whereas the Borana are mostly a
          only Borana.  Even the Muslim      cattle people.                     With Islamic influence, this is
          teachers can't read although they   They have also adopted the pre-Is-  becoming a hush-hush thing that's
          want to learn.  However, the school   lamic religious institution of the   now done in hiding because its a
          children are learning to read.  Most   priest-diviner called Qallu.  Since   form of Shirk.
          families exist on famine relief but   the re-establishment of the social
          the fortunate ones are those who   structures in 1965, the Sakuye do   Christianity: There is some con-
          still have camels or cattle and fare   not allow Sakuye girls to marry out-  siderable Christian influence among
          better.                            side the Sakuye group. The Sakuye   the Sakuye.  There are three or four
          Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is   have much social interaction with   known churches around their area.
          a rite of passage as well as circum-  the neighboring Somali peoples, and   Geographically as well as socially,
          cision for boys at seven, besides   when asked, will sometimes identify   isolation is a major factor in their
          marriage at teenagehood, although   themselves as Somali.             lack of access to the gospel.
          young girls could be married at any

          The Sakuye or Saguye are a semi-nomadic Oromo people living in Marsabit and Isiolo Counties, Eastern
          Province, Kenya. The 1979 Kenyan census reported this group had 1,824 persons, but Günther Schlee be-
          lieves this number "is definitely too low". The 1969 census gave 4,369 as their number, and the apparent de-
          crease is not due to biological factors. In the 2019 census, they numbered 27,006. Because of their language
          and their inter-locking settlements, many Sakuye must have given 'Borana' when asked for their 'tribe'.
          According to Ethnologue, Sakuye is a dialect of the Borana language, though it has some significant dif-
          ferences. Their name comes from the name of one of the traditional divisions of Borana territory, Saaku,
          which is the area north of Marsabit. Thus, Saaku-ye means "from Saaku" or "of Saaku" in Afaan Booranaa.
          When a group of Rendille moved north from Marsabit, their Borana neighbors referred to them as the
          Source: Wikipedia

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