Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 77




          We had the distinct privilege and honor of    I first came to meet Professor   from across Africa come together
          having a conversation with Joramu Nkum-  Lumumba in 2017. After graduat-  and discuss Pan-Africanism, I had to
          bi, the Country Coordinator of  the PLO   ing, one friend of mine came and   travel 12 hours from Arusha to Dar
          Foundation – Tanzania chapter. It was    shared with me about Professor   es Salaam to go and meet Professor
          such an exciting opportunity to be able to   Lumumba. I had never heard of   Lumumba.
          speak to somebody who has connected to   him before, but listening to the
          Professor Lumumba in a way that is posi-  presentations that he shared with   That’s amazing…..
          tive; that proves what mentorship and what   me, I was very much inspired and   JN: I mobilized the finances and I
          an interest in growing communities can do.    when I saw the poster announcing   went to Dar es Salaam, and at that
                                             that PLO Lumumba would be at       occasion…in that gathering it wasn’t
          Welcome Joramu…                    the University of Dar es Salaam; the   easy to make contact with the Pro-
          JN: Thank you very much. As you    most prestigious University and he   fessor, but God works in mysterious
          have said, I’m the country coordina-  was attending ‘Kigoda cha Mwalimu’   ways...
          tor of the PLO Lumumba founda-     - Mwalimu is the founding father
          tion Tanzania. I’m very happy to be   of Tanzania: Julius Nyerere - at   I said a prayer that morning; ‘God
          here and to be interviewed by you   an intellectual festival where the   this is the man that I admire so
          Chioma.                            intellectuals of the country and   much and I’m going there. If it

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  77
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