Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 73


                                                                                sion – that is what Swahili will do
                                                                                for Africans, make them feel like a
                                                                                big family; the political boundaries
                                                                                will not mean anything. Who even
                                                                                put the boundaries there in the first

                                                                                Economic growth: Have you ever
                                                                                heard of the tower of Babel? Funny
                                                                                story it is. The builders started well;
                                                                                they all spoke the same language.
          Three Reasons why Swahili                                             Then the Supreme Being confused
                                                                                them, and they all began to speak
           is important to Africa -Naomi Kamau                                  different languages because what
                                                                                they were doing was against his will.
                     rowing up in East       I'm happy to report that positive   Their ambitious venture to erect the
                     Africa, specifically    developments have taken place with   highest building ever came to a dead
                     in Kenya, Swahili, or   regard to African languages. Now-  end. They could not understand
         GKiswahili as we call it,           adays, these are the kinds of head-  each other. A common language
          was introduced to most of us con-  lines you see, "16 southern African   is crucial to a people's economic
          currently with a mother tongue. As   countries in the Southern African   growth, and that is what Kiswahili
          much as most of us are not native   Development Community (SADC)      accomplishes for Africa.
          Swahili speakers, we have practically   have agreed to adopt Kiswahili as
          spoken the language since birth. As   a formal language in the region."   Enhanced intellectual capacity:
          it happens, some take this beautiful   Countries such as South Africa, Bo-  Psychologists say that people who
          language for granted, thinking that   tswana and Rwanda are introducing   speak more than one language have
          it makes you inferior. They have a   Swahili to their school curricula.  enhanced concentration, improved
          mistaken view that the more fluent                                    memory, problem-solving and
          you are in English (or whichever   Swahili is our language of the heart,   critical-thinking skills, multi-tasking
          post-colonial language one speaks),   the one we dream in and form    ability, and better listening skills.
          the more educated and sophisticated   ideas in before we transpose them   The average African speaks at least
          you look. A moment of silence for   to other languages. The African   three languages: a native language, a
          them. Do not be sad though, this is   Union understood this and adopted   regional lingua franca and a colonial
          a happy article. Good news on the   Kiswahili as a continental language.   language. Now add Swahili to those
          way.                               Imagine the very gifted African    who do not have it already. Do you
                                             athletes responding to international   see how Swahili makes Africa a
          Schools all over Africa went to the   reporters in Kiswahili when being   cognitive powerhouse?
          extent of punishing errant students,   interviewed. Visualize Africa having
          'errant' because they spoke in Swa-  its version of IELTS, and people   If this article resonates with you,
          hili or their mother tongue. 'Errant'   wishing to study or live in Africa   and you would like to start learning
          because they used the language of   having to learn the language and   to speak Kiswahili, then I’d recom-
          their heart to express themselves –   pass the test. We are allowed to   mend the LEARN KISWAHILI
          how saddening. The punishments     dream; they say all dreams are valid.  website where I have a well-struc-
          varied but were all so demeaning. A                                   tured course for business and family
          student would be forced to wear a   Kiswahili is the tie that binds Africa,   learning. We help you to speak with
          dirty sack or hang a badge around   and it brings a host of benefits with   confidence in weeks!
          their necks written 'I spoke vernacu-  it.
          lar' until they found another student                                 To register for the course, please use
          speaking in the vernacular and hand-  Strengthened social ties: How   the link below:
          ed over the item of punishment.    do you feel when a stranger speaks   https://msingiafrika--kiyiira.
          That was sad, but the narrative is   to you in your language? It warms
          changing.                          the heart, and you are immediately   li-202/?ref=msingimag
                                             drawn to that person. Social cohe-  Use the code "msingi" to get an
                                                                                additional free class.

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  73
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