Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 70


          You are that one which is little in size but                          ‘Kambi’  is a  common  surname of

          mighty in power, strength and authority to                            the  Bainukas, one of the  ethnic

          change the course of the Afrikan history.                             groups in the country who are cred-
                                                                                ited as the original settlers of what is
                                                                                today called The Gambia. The Portu-
                      ach time I think of the   try.  It  is  also one  of  Afrika’s  most
                                                                                guese recorded the name as ‘Kambi
                      Afrikan  nation called   densely  populated  countries.  A few
                                                                                Bolong’, and  thereafter  the  name
                      The Gambia and how     towns are located up river, but most   passed from one explorer to another.
          Eshe  is  the  smallest            Gambians live in rural villages. The   Other names captured in The Gam-
          among all the  nations on mainland   major  ethnic groups are similar  to   bia’s  record books are ‘Kambea’,
          Afrika, I am reminded of the words   those in Senegal and consist of the
                                                                                ‘Jambea’ and ‘Gambra’ as they  ap-
          of scripture that describe  the town   majority Malinke and also include the
                                                                                pear in Portuguese records until Brit-
          of Bethlehem  Ephrathah  as little,   Wolof, Fulani (Fulbe),  Diola  (Jola),   ish explorers arrived on James Island

          but that which was given the grace   and Soninke peoples. The Gambian   in  1588  when  it  officially  became
          to  bear the  fruit  that  changed  the   economy  is  heavily  dependent  on   Gambia. Another belief  is  that  the
          course of history. (See Micah 5:2)   peanut (groundnut)  production  and
                                                                                name is based on the translation of
                                                                                the Portuguese word ‘cambio’ mean-
          I do not see the words of this article                                ing ‘trade’ or ‘exchange’, a common
          about the nation called The Gambia   The  first  Europeans  to  arrive  on   activity along the river.
          going the  way  of a prophetic mes-  Kombo-St.  Mary  Island, today
          sage but rather as a prophetic prayer.   known as Banjul,  were  the  Portu-
                                                                                The River Gambia
          We  are  definitely  living  in  strange   guese explorers in 1456. It was the
                                                                                Yes  the nation called  The Gambia
          times and seasons, and the less pop-  stunning location of the country on   was named after the River Gambia,
          ulated ones among us must be given   the  West  Coast that attracted  these   which is quite interesting just as Ni-
          all support both physically and spiri-  European explorers in their quest to   geria was named in connection to the
          tually. So it's a great honor to write   make it a base.
                                                                                Niger River, but my interest really is
          this simple but timely article to bless
                                                                                a bit more towards what I believe is
          this nation called The Gambia.     Origin of  the name Gambia         the spiritual significance of the River
                                             As with many origin  stories there   Gambia and its shape.
          About The Gambia                   are several versions. One account, as   Due  to  the  fact  that  we  made  it  a
          The Gambia, is a country in western   told by Hassoum Ceesay, a renowned
                                                                                kind of an  unwritten  rule to make
          Afrika situated on the Atlantic coast   Gambian  historian and researcher
                                                                                the cover story of each issue of this
          and  surrounded on  all  sides  by the   at the National Centre for Arts and   magazine about a specific nation in
          neighboring  country of Senegal. It   Culture, is that upon their arrival in   Afrika, I was really keen  to know

          occupies a long narrow strip of land   1456,  Portuguese  explorers  met  a   which of  the  nations of  Afrika I
          that  surrounds the  Gambia  River.   local fisherman on St. Mary Island.
                                                                                would be writing about. When it was
          The land is flat and is dominated by   During their interactions  commu-
                                                                                settled that I would write about The
          the river, which is navigable through-  nicated  through sign  language,  the   Gambia, I decided to take a look at
          out the length of the  country. As   fisherman thought he was asked who   the various things online that are re-
          mentioned already, The Gambia  is   owned  the  island.  The  fisherman   lated  to the  nation  of Gambia  and

          Afrika’s smallest  main-land coun-  responded with ‘Kambi Bolong’.
                                                                                from there see what the Lord would

          70      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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