Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 67

Organic Farming                                                                      GREEN HANDS

             Why Organic Farming Is The Best Path

                      To Eradicating Poverty In Africa

                                              By The Organic Guy

                                                                                one of the sectors devolved to the
                                                                                county governments making them a
                   he United Nations         The current progress can be at-    very important part in implementing
                   sustainable development   tributed in part to the Kenya vision   any agricultural policy. Just how im-
                   goal 1 (SDG1) of ‘NO      2030 (which is in line with SDG’s)   portant is agriculture to the Kenyan
          TPOVERTY’ Envisions                and the big 4 agenda, both initiated   economy? Well, it contributes up to
          eradicating poverty in all of its   by the Kenyan government where    26% of our GDP and another 27%
          forms everywhere by 2030. The      both of the plans places agriculture   of the GDP indirectly. The sector
          republic of Kenya is among the     as the true path of improving the   also employs more than 40% of the
          193 member states that adopted     economic wellbeing of Kenyans.     total population and more than 70%
          the agenda back in 2015. In Kenya,   This is because, agriculture in gener-  of the Kenyan rural people. The
          and most parts of the world anyone   al acts as a source of livelihood for   sector also accounts for 65% of the
          living on less than $ 1.90 a day is   over 70% of Kenyans. Both Kenya’s   export earnings and provides em-
          considered to be below the poverty   vision 2030 and the big 4 agenda   ployment, income and food security
          line. As of 2018, the proportions of   align with SDG’s and are viewed as   needs for more than 80% of the
          Kenyans living below the poverty   the best anchors in implementing   Kenyan population.
          line had declined from 46.8% in    SDG’s in Kenya.                    With all the importance of agricul-
          2005/06 to 36.1% in 2016/17 ac-    In the Kenyan economy, agriculture   ture to the Kenyan economy, only
          cording to the World Bank. Despite   does play a critical role especially in   less than 20% of our land is suitable
          this progress, Kenya is NOT on     the rural economy where poverty    for cultivation with the other 80%
          track to eradicate poverty by 2030 as   tends to be high. According to our   classified as arid and semi-arid land.
          per SDG’s!                         NEW constitution, agriculture was
                                                                                This coupled with climate change,

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  67
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