Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 71
have me put forward. Truth be told, der what it could mean. of life and vice versa. And because
learning about The Gambia had I read somewhere that Banjul, the the healing of the nations according
never, before now, been on my radar, capital of The Gambia, is called to that same scripture is tied to both
so I knew next to nothing about this The City of Light while the nation the river of life and the tree of life,
interesting west Afrikan nation. So itself is also called the Smiling Coast, certainly, some dimensions of heal-
I was clearly very surprised to find largely because of the tourism indus- ing and life-giving mandate is tied to
out that The Gambia is the smallest try and also the natural hospitality of The Gambia, both as a nation and as
nation in main-land Afrika, both in The Gambian people. And because I a people.
terms of land mass and population. do not believe in coincidences, I do So I pray for you oh nation of The
Looking at the map of the country believe that all of the character traits Gambia, that the Almighty God,
and the interesting shape of the River of The Gambia as a nation must who knows how to make the last the
Gambia which runs through the en- somehow add up to her purpose. first, the smallest the greatest and
tire length of the country, I got even the weakest the strongest, will look
more curious because of its shape. The River that flows through the upon your land with mercy and then
city raise you up to the very place that He
The manner in which the river runs A river obviously speaks of water made for you from before time be-
throughout the length of the coun- and water from all its spiritual inter- gan. They made you small but how
try into the Atlantic ocean reminds pretations speaks basically of life and mighty is the strength of him who
me of how the Book of Revela- the movement of Spirit. God decides to make strong and a
tion paints the picture of the River Every nation in Afrika is blessed by force for change. You are made for
of Life in the New Jerusalem which God the Creator to fulfil one pur- change indeed and the glory of the
runs through the midst of the streets, pose or the other and there is no one Most High God will rise upon you,
while the shape of the river paints a nation in Afrika that is greater than even as you enter into the fullness of
picture of a kind of a reptile, snake the other. Each one is just uniquely the purpose of God for your nation
or even a dragon with it's tail at the set to carry out its own unique great- and your people. Many undermine
upper side of the river and its mouth ness. Having said that, what does it you because of your size and the way
at Banjul the capital. I am not be- mean for a nation to take the simili- you are encompassed by your neigh-
ing dramatic nor am I being sensa- tude of the river of life that runs bor, but how good it is to know that
tional, but the direction of the river in the midst of the city of God ac- from the very one who is encom-
as it runs through the length of the cording to Revelation 21? Life, I passed like a baby in the womb shall
country and its reptile-like shape just presume. The water of life by divine come forth life and healing to many.
won't leave my thoughts and I won- providence also moves with the tree For as the river of life passes through
the new Jerusalem so has the River
Gambia passed through the entire
length of your nation and so shall the
power to heal and restore be found
in you.
I bless you from mount Zion of God
and blessed always shall you be.