Page 68 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 68


         Hi, Am The Organic Guy and welcome to
         my world! I envision a world where man-  grandmother was one of them.   to the increased awareness of
         kind is living a healthy and sustainable life-  Growing up in the western part   organic products in the country
         style, Organically. I have now made it my   of Kenya, my grandmother who   and subsequently improving
         mission to ensure you are upto date on in-  is still a farmer NEVER used   their incomes. Rodale’s 30 year
         formation, News and Trends in the organic   any synthetic inputs, she used   research proved that organ-
         world, to empower you to make informed   principals of crop rotation,   ic systems were nearly three
          decisions with matters regarding organic.  minimum tillage, cover crop-  times more profitable than the
         Visit to learn more.  ping among others. But it wasn’t   conventional systems. Where
                                             until my university education      the average net return for the
                                             that I discovered that we were     organic systems was $558/ acre/
                                             actually organic farmers. Well,    year versus just $190/acre/year
                                             this wasn’t just my grandmother    for the conventional systems.
                                             but several other farmers in my
                                             village.                           When visiting most organic
                                                                                farmers in the country, you will
                                             Fast forward to today, we have     be inclined to find more workers
                                             seen the government put forth      on their farms than their con-
                                             more policies that incentivize     ventional counterparts. This ob-
                                             industrial agriculture and over    servation was also backed up by
                                             reliance on external inputs over   Rodale’s report where it showed
                                             the small scale farmers who are    that Organic agriculture pro-
                                             the majority (70% – 80%) and       motes job creation, providing
          poor soils resulting from heavy    who actually feed us. These pol-   for more than 30% more jobs
          use of synthetic fertilizers and   icies have resulted in our most    per hectare than non-organic
          pesticides, pests and diseases     productive land in western Ken-    farms. The addition of on-farm
          among other challenges makes       ya degrading where about 50%       processing and direct marketing
          the agricultural sector very un-   of the soils are NOW acidic.       further increases the opportuni-
          stable. Given the importance of    This coupled by climate change     ties for job creation.
          the sector in rural areas of Ken-  and farmers spending more
          ya where poverty is prevalent,     money on inputs has seen their     This is important because
          the sectors importance in pover-   income reduce significantly        there is NO better anti-poverty
          ty elevation cannot be overstat-   hence the stagnation in poverty    strategy than providing incomes
          ed enough. Hence strengthening     over the years.                    through employment. Improv-
          and improving the performance                                         ing incomes of the sector that
          of the agriculture sector and      Organic farmers on the other       contributes up to 26% of our
          enabling the engagement of the     hand in the country seems to       GDP and another 27% of the
          poorest and most vulnerable        be coping better with climate      GDP indirectly will ultimately
          in this process is arguably a      change and drought, as their       aid in the achieving of Sustain-
          necessity in alleviating poverty   crops are more resilient. This     able Development goal 2, ‘NO
          especially in these areas.         was well document in the           POVERTY’, a vision that organic
          Organic agriculture accounts       Rodale institute’s 30 year study   agriculture has a very important
          for less than 1% of the total      where when comparing organic       role to play.
          area cultivated in Kenya but its   and conventional corn, Organic
          principals are widely practiced    corn yields were 31% higher
          throughout the country with        than conventional in years of
          MOST farmers NOT knowing           drought. Organic farmers are
          that they are actually practic-    also receiving premiums for
          ing organic agriculture. My        their organic products due

          68      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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