Page 64 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 64


          The Green New Deal puts em-        on others since Covid-19 trig-     are lending, extending credit for
          phasis on digital infrastructure.   gered further economic diffi-     the express purposes of uplifting
          What is the point in having        culty. Some Chinese loans will     the standard of living of African
          network coverage when there is     become interest free. In 2018,     nations.
          no modern road, rail, bridge or    at the historic Forum for Chi-
          port along which to transport      na-Africa Cooperation (FO-         China`s Exim Bank is extend-
          your goods?                        CAC) in Beijing, Zambia se-        ing credit for mega-infrastruc-
                                             cured a $30 million interest-free   ture projects, for development
          The alternative is the only choice   loan and a $30 million grant     of goods and services. That`s
          that will end poverty and propel   from China .                       exactly what a bank is supposed
          African economies into a pros-                                        to exist for, for the extension of
          perous future. That choice is to   On-going attacks on President      credit for projects that will cre-
          re-invest historical debt into the   Lungu`s government have come     ate progress and the upliftment
          physical economy.                  from foreign funded anti-China     of a nation`s standard of living.
                                             campaigns .The President has       And it is exactly what the City
          This week Zambia became the        responded to critics and said:     of London-Wall Street banking
          first African state to default on                                     empire does not do.
          its international debt since the   “I implore you to ignore the
          start of the Covid Pandemic.       misleading headlines that seek     It is 33 years since Thomas San-
                                             to malign our relationship with    kara, president of Burkina Faso,
          Zambia`s debt situation is being   China by mischaracterising our     called upon Africa`s leadership
          politicized in ugly attempts at    economic cooperation to mean       to renounce the continent`s
          discrediting President Lungu`s     colonialism.”                      debt. In a speech given on the 29
          progressive economic policy and                                       July, 1987, at the OAU ( Organi-
          strong friendship with China.      Leading Zambian economist          zation of African Unity) Summit
          The politicization is also aimed   and head of Zambia’s Private       in Addis Abeba, he said this:
          at China which is still being      Sector Development Associa-
          blamed for creating debt traps     tion, Yosuf Dodia, said that Chi-  “We think that debt must be
          and debt book diplomacy even       nese investment should be seen     seen from the standpoint of
          though this kind of anti-China     as an opportunity not a bur-       its origins. Debts origins come
          propaganda has now itself, been    den.”Zambia has been dominat-      from colonialism`s origins.
          discredited.                       ed by the West for 100 years…      Those who lend us money are
                                             and we are seeing poverty all      those who colonized us before.
          Over the last few years, Zambia    over the continent,” he said.      They are those who used to
          has had the foresight to invest                                       manage our states and econo-
          heavily in physical infrastruc-    That is the general consensus of   mies. Colonizers are those who
          ture. This has been largely        African governments who de-        indebted Africa through their
          financed by China`s Develop-       fend the Chinese model. Com-       brothers and cousins who were
          ment Bank as part of the Belt      pared to other creditors ( like    the lenders. We are strangers to
          and Road Initiative.               the IMF) Chinese banks offer       this debt. Therefore we cannot
                                             far better terms. The interest is   pay for it. Debt is neo-colo-
          Zambia's appeal this week to the   in some cases non-existent or      nialism in which the coloniz-
          Eurobond holders for deferment     else at very low rates of interest.   ers transform themselves into
          of payment has been rejected.      There are lengthy periods of       `technical assistants`. In fact it
          In contrast, China has already     grace before payments com-         is better to say `technical assas-
          annulled a number of loans to      mence and much longer re-pay-      sins`.
          African governments, including     ment periods. And unlike West-
          Zambia, and deferred payment       ern banks, the Chinese banks       They present us with financ-

          64      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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